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I ran to the bathroom. Tears were streaming down my face. Neither one of them ran after me. If this was about me, it sure as hell didn't seem like either of them cared. I heard shouting in the halls. Chanting. Screaming. I ran into one of the stalls and just let it go.
I wanted both of them. I was in love with both of them. They both meant the world to me. I couldn't choose. Its never that simple. Why can't they understand. It's never that easy.
After about an hour, I basically crawled out of the bathroom. I ran to Mrs. Dunne's office. She was sitting at her desk. I collapsed in the chair across from her.
"Hey, Eleanor. What's wrong honey?" She rushed over to my side.
"I can't hear you darling."
"I love them. Both of them. They are making me choose."
"I don't understand dear. Please explain."
"Ok. Last year I dated Park-"
"Excuse me. You asked for the story."
"I don't do drama. I can comfort, but drama is too much."
"Darling, it will all be ok. You will end up with your Prince Charming in the end. You've got to let your heart decide." She pointed to my heart. I sat and twiddled my thumb. Tears streamed down my face. Why did this have to be so difficult? Why? Why did I have to love them both so much.
"Yeah. It'll be ok. I've decided."
"You go get him Eleanor."
I stood up and walked out of the room and over to the girls bathroom. I cried even more. I hadn't decided. It was too difficult. I carefully thought. Thought it over and debated it. Every aspect, good and bad. Then I did it. After about a hour, I decided. I walked away and wiped the tears.
I had picked the right one.


Eleanor and Park 2Where stories live. Discover now