13: Emotional turmoil

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*Virgil POV*

November 2nd. Halloween time is over. The other holidays are coming and I do not appreciate it.

It's lunchtime again and all I want to do is sleep. So I pull my hood up, put on my headphones, and rest my head of my arm until the bell rings.

"Virgil, go put your tray away," Janus says after a while, nudging me.

I open my eyes, trying to wake myself up a bit. I grab my tray and stand up.

I'm not looking where I'm going and after just a few steps I run into Logan. I go beet red as I look up at him.

"Oh- sorry," I say.

He's only an inch or two taller than me but I still feel intimidated.

"It's quite alright," he says.

"Ok, ok," I say.

I'm about to keep moving, but he stops me.

"I do have a question," he says.

"What?" I ask.

"Are you hiding something from me?" Logan asks.

"What? No!" I say.

"Really? Because I seem to recall a lot of suspicious activity and things I've heard by your dorm," Logan says.

I glance at Remus, but Janus is already giving him the look to tell him to stay quiet. I'm only a few steps away from my table, but I feel so far away from Janus and Remus.

"I don't know what you mean," I say.

"Really? Then I suppose you are more determined to keep your secrets," Logan says.

He turns around and walks off, leaving me stunned. 

I go put my tray away and go back to Janus and Remus, who also look shocked.

"I think Snow and Prince might have gotten to him," Janus says.

"You think?" I snap.

"Hey, I'm just saying. Give him a few days to cool off and I'm sure things will be better," Janus says.

"And what makes you think that? He pretty much just told us how much he values us. Now, I'm wondering how much he values his butt. And eyes," Remus says.

*Logan POV*

As soon as I see Virgil's look of shock and all sorts of emotions, I immediately feel guilty. I walk back to Roman and Patton and sit back down. Roman looks up at me.

"You said that would work!" I say.

"I thought it would!" Roman says.

"Well, now there is no chance of them even speaking to me!" I say.

That thought makes me feel... just terrible. I don't like this.

"What's going on now?" Patton asks, coming over to us and sitting back down.

"Roman's stupid plan didn't work and now it is a very likely possibility that they all hate me," I say.

Last night he made a plan. He said that if I confronted them then they'd 'spill the beans'. And I believed him because he's known them longer and has a better understanding of people in general. I have next to no social skills, while Patton and Roman are both the opposite.

"Well, you still have us. And I doubt they'll do it now that they know you know," Patton says.

"Yeah! It'll be ok, Lo," Roman says.

I don't look at them. Then the bell rings.

"I'll see you in swim class," I say.

I grab my stuff and leave. I don't want to talk to anyone right now.

*Virgil POV*

"I gotta grab my towel from my locker, tell coach I'm gonna be late," Janus says as we step into the locker room.

"Mk," I mumble.

He leaves and Remus and I get ready.

We step outside and I feel any confidence I ever had disappear. The past month I've been better with swimming, but now I don't think I can do it.

I take a careful step into the water.

"Yeah no," I say, stepping back out.

"C'mon, it's not that bad," Remus says, "You did it before,"

"I- I suppose," I say.

He grabs my hand and forces me into the water, then give me a little shove. Ordinarily, this would be fine, but we're right by the deep drop and I fall in face first.

The water is freezing.


I'm sinking, sinking, sinking. 


My eyes snap open, stinging them, and I remember where I am.


I feel someone push me up and then someone else grabs me. I kick and push, trying to get them off me. 

I'm pulled up to the surface and I start coughing.

"Virgil, are you ok?"

I cough up some more water before answering.

"Yeah, just splendid," I say.

"I am so sorry," Remus says.

I rub my eyes and see him carrying me back to dry land.

"Are- are you actually ok?" he asks.

"No! No, you little bitch, I almost drowned!" I shout.

"I know. I'm really sorry," Remus says, "You handled yourself so well the past few weeks and I didn't mean to push you so hard and-"

"Shut it, I'll take the sorry. And a chocolate bar," I say.

As we enter the locker rooms, Janus sees us.

"What happened?" he asks.

"Well, I-" Remus starts to say.

Janus walks over to us and slaps Remus in the face.

"I didn't even tell you what happened!" Remus shouts.

"It doesn't matter. I'm fine. Now put me down," I say.

Remus sets me down and I cling to one of the locker doors to keep me steady.

"Are you ok?" Janus asks.

"I AM FINE!" I shout, "Go to class, I can handle myself,"

I am glaring at them. I know they mean well, but I don't care. I want to be alone.

After they leave I get changed again and sink to my knees. A few tears slip down my face. Everyone saw that and how weak I am.

And I had to see it again.

I grab my backpack and go up to my dorm.

As I enter, I see the book sitting on our desk. I sigh internally. I still think we should put it back, but leaving it out in the open is just reckless.

I shut the book and shove it under a bed, I forget whose. It's better to just ignore it right now.

Um- yeah I just had to throw in another plotline, didn't I? Well anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading, feel free to leave any thoughts or feedback in the comments, and have an amazing day/night, you magnificent peep!

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