Hero hunter

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Word count: 646
The man was still passed out on my couch when I returned from the caves. I had picked up some of my brother's old clothes which I hopped would fit the stranger. Since Song was still working at the theater, he wouldn't be back for a while.
I sat down next to the man and began to examine for injuries. The ceiling lights provided better conditions for an examination than the forest and the injuries which seemed fatal before looked far less serious. After a quick inspection, I concluded there were no broken bones. I dunked the towel in water and slowly began to wash away the blood, both human and monster.
Since some bandages were dirty and slipping, I untied them and took to treating the older abrasions. None of the cuts looked deep enough to need stitches but the sheer number of scars decorating his body told my injuries were par for the course for him. On a closer examination of his face, I knew he was familiar. The double spiked hair definitely stood out, but I couldn't recollect form where. From a show I was watching? No, this wasn't some celebrity. Maybe from New or something? I shrugged to myself and kept working my way down his body.
I stopped at the hem of his pants. My face heated slightly but I skipped the groin and jumped to bandaging the legs. Once finished, I loaded up the dirtied water and old bandages to throw them out. A casual growl alerted me to Gemini returning. His maw was converted in purple blood and I sighed as I refilled the bucket. When I turned around I saw Gemini partying at the man's leg.
"Gemini! Leave the poor man alone and don't get any monster blood on him, I just cleaned him off."
The mountain lion gave me a flick of his tail and proceeded to sniff the man's foot and steel his left shoe. I smashed the shoe back, but removed the other one and set them down. The man was sleeping soundly so I decided to start cooking dinner for when Song returned. I had just pulled the meat out of the freezer, when I heard a groan from the couch.
Gemini perked up from his place on the floor. It is the corner of my eye I saw a bandaged hand reach up and dip again behind the couch. The man grumbled something as he prompt himself up. I stayed quiet, letting him inspect himself and my medical handiwork. To my surprise he easily got to his feet stretching and without turning addressed me.
"Hey lady, you know it's awfully rude to stare."
"And I find it awfully rude to go passing out on other people's property but who am I to judge," I snapped at him. To my surprise this got a chuckle out of him and he faced me. Although he was only a few inches taller than me I still seemed to have to look up at him. The man began eyeing me similar to how Gemini would eye the turkeys in the woods.
"You wouldn't happen to be a hero would you?"
"No," I narrowed my eyes, "I'm not. Why do you ask?"
"Oh no real reason," he waved his hand in the air as if swatting away fly, "I just thought I might get your autograph or something."
I moved towards him until we faced each other letting my fear aura seep out. He did react, if only to look vaguely surprised.
"I've seen you before," I said analyzing and piecing together his appearance, "on TV. You call yourself the hero Hunter correct?"
"Yes, although since you claim to not be a hero, I won't be hunting you any time soon."
"You sound disappointed," I grinned and turned away, "Now sit down and show your host some gratitude."

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