Whistle and A Whisper (p.2)

712 30 18

April, 21, 2546

Onboard Pelican en route to Insurgent stronghold


. . .

I didn't know I had a fear os heights until now, looking out over the edge of the pelican, towards the city grounds hell knows how far beneath me. It almost made me sick, watching it as we zipped through the sky. You would've thought that being an ODST for even that short amount of time would have cleared that fear from my mind, considering we dropped from orbit, even higher than we are now.

"If I pushed you right now, what would you do?" Germany asked, stepping up behind me. I jumped, my hand nearlyy slipping from the one thing that still kept me in balance and not toppling over the edge…

"Haunt your ass for the rest of your life," I returned with a snort of laughter, slowly turning away from the ledge, wrapping my other hand around the bar. I knew he smiled under his helmet, maybe even rolled his eyes.

"Hmm… I thought you would do that to Russia," Without even a second's hesitation, I punched his arm, rolling my eyes.

"Why do you keep bringing that up, Germany?" I questioned lightly, glancing at the other two in the Pelican. Italy seemed a little out of it, her head tilted back against the seat, her eyes cast up at the roof of the pelican. Is she… asleep? Or dead? I can't seem to tell the difference. Russia was -no surprise here- reading, except now it was back at the front of the little blue book.

"Not my fault I never see either of you in the morning or at night. Who knows, the both of you could be bonding over sweat for all I know," He joked, leaning against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Sweat, really? Why the hell would we bond over… sweat?" I hesitated on the last word, arching a brow in his direction curiously. Even though he couldn't see it. By now, I'm sure he already imagined the action, maybe even long before it. I wouldn't doubt him.

"Well…" He trailed off for a minute, looking at me. "that is all you two do in th-" I didn't let him finish his sentence before reaching out and punching him. Again.

"Germany, what are you? The pervert of the group?"

"I thought we've already covered this, haven't we?"


. . .

Germany looked between each of the team as the pelican took off, back into the air behind us. "We have an hour and thirty minutes to slip in, grab that data, and get the hell out. Quietly and quickly, that's all he told us to be," He finished, drawing the bolt back on his DMR.

Italy scoffed, holstering her pistol. "Easier said than done, Germ. Remember what happened last time we were ordered to do it 'quietly and quickly'?" Italy questioned, placing a hand on her hip.

"Let's not speak of that," He stated, turning away. I arched a brow, a smile playing at the corner of my lips.

I glanced at the both of them, "I'm curious, what happened?"

"You don't need to-"

"We set off three different alarms. The fire alarm, the intruder alert, and the lunch bell,"

"They had a lunch bell?"

"We need to move. We don't have time to waste. Italy, find a roof. We need someone over head. Germany, you're with me. Ireland, do you have any experience with security monitoring?" Russia said, putting an end to the time wasting conversation. Italy nodded at him, taking her rifle off her back before retreating away from the group.

"Yeah, I have some," Very little, but was some.

"Find the security room, and keep those alarms off, and keep those camera's away from us," He ordered.

"Got it," I responded, nodding. Russia cast me a quick look, something that I couldn't read. Hell, when can I ever read that man? Italy cast me a look before casting her eyes up, probably searching for her perfect roost. Sometimes, I hate this team and their subtle gestures and looks. Especially Germany over there. His aren't very… subtle. Not at all.

I pushed the thoughts from my head as all three of them walked away, both groups heading in different directions. I paused for a moment, unsure of what to do. A flash of Armistice past through my mind. The memory of Lia and Ross replayed in my mind for what seemed like the thousandth time, just as jarring as it was the first time. My breath caught in my throat, my hands balling into tight fists.

"Fuck," The word escaped my mouth as I released a shaky breath, closing my eyes for a moment. I can't dwell on that, not right now. I felt my hands shake. Maybe I should have… No, no, I can't just wait for it to… stop bothering me. I gave myself long enough back then, before the Project. Not now, not now… I reminded myself, pushing myself forward, the direction my gut was telling me to go.

I barely noticed the frosty conditions as I half-walked half-jogged around a building, keeping my left shoulder just centimeters from the metal surface. It was warmer here, barely. If the damn wind wasn't blowing, it would be fine. But it just cuts right through the spandex-like material under my armour, drifting up and under the chest pieces and leg pieces. I thought this stuff would be more weather resistant. Or maybe it's not that cold, and my mind is over-playing it to be worse than it is.

The waypoint that appeared on my visor is what startled me, forcing me to stop and my tracks and figure out what the hell the blue diamond in my vision meant. It took me a moment to remember what it meant. Go there. "Madrík…?" I muttered under my breath, silently hoping it was him and not an Innie hack luring me to an ambush.  No, they don't know we're here, right?

Only lead, I reminded myself, pushing the thoughts from my head once again. I was hesitant to continue, unsure of what to do or not.


A/n: Well… yeah. This mission is going to have quite a few parts, apparently. I, myself, wasn't expecting that. What is this… part two? I think? Feels like it should be more. I'm typing this before putting the title, and I rarely go back and edit them afterwards, besides, you know, when I actually edit them. Which will be awhile. Knowing me. Shouldn't I know me? Nah, that's the other one in my head talking. Don't. Ask. It's late, alright?

Stole my cousin's keyboard to finish writing this. Mine went to shit and wouldn't let me type more than six words at a time, and was really ticking me off. So, I walked into the living room, found her tablet that no longer works, stole the keyboard in the case, and walked back to my room with them watching my back curiously.

Sorry about the whole New Years thing I said I'd try and do. I really am. I had worked myself up, and then realized how much work it was to write two of them, plus other chapters to post. I… kinda fell apart. So I apologize.

Well, lads and lasses, hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope my rambling wasn't to incredibly boring.

See you in the next chapter?


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