05. cassie hates kansas

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Cassie ended up having a horrible sleep. For the first hour after 'lights out', Coach Hedge paced the halls, threatening to dropkick anyone who left their cabins back to Long Island. When he stopped, she couldn't stop wondering what would happen if the Argo II fell from the sky, which kept her up.

The next morning, Annabeth was the only one who had woken up before Cassie. She smiled politely at Cassie when she entered the room, then focused back on her breakfast.

Cassie willed her plate to be filled with pancakes and fruit. She watched the live feed of Camp Half-Blood as she ate, it was the closest thing to looking out the window. Cassie watched as kids picked strawberries in the fields, and as nature spirits frolicked around. It was so unlike Camp Jupiter that Cassie wondered if it was a place for demigods at all. At first glance, she mistook it for a normal mortal summer camp.

Cassie still wasn't exactly sure how to feel about the Greeks. The Roman part of her refused to trust them. She knew that Jason trusted them, but Cassie didn't know if she still trusted Jason's judgment. The day before, she was mad at him for setting up the attack against New Rome, but now that they'd ruled that out, Cassie didn't know who else to blame.

Every few minutes, Annabeth would give Cassie a look that she couldn't exactly read, then look back at the images of Camp Half-Blood.

"Is your camp always like that?" Cassie asked.

Annabeth narrowed her eyebrows at her, seemingly taken aback by what Cassie said. "Excuse me?"

"It's so peaceful and just so... different from Camp Jupiter."

"Honestly, I originally thought it would be much more similar to Camp Half-Blood. I was surprised when I heard about it, and even more when I saw it. You're right, they are very different."

"I'd prefer a camp that's run like yours. The system we have kind of sucks. It's all based on the foundation that being a demigod is all about fighting and upholding the Roman legacy. It's hard on most of the people who come into the camp, especially since most of the kids are young."

"It's less intense at my camp, everyone gets to try a bit of everything and see what they like best."

"It sounds amazing." Cassie smiled. Camp Half-Blood seemed wonderful, but she didn't know if that changed how she felt about the Greeks.

"You could definitely stay at camp after the quest is done, I mean, if the world isn't destroyed."

Cassie laughed. "Did you bring any extra weapons with you? I've been meaning to ask, I left my pugio in New Rome."

"Yeah, we do. Let's take care of that before everyone else wakes up."

Annabeth gestured to a small pile of weapons in the corner of the storage room. "There isn't as big of a selection as we have at camp, but I'm sure we can find something you can use here. Back at camp, the Athena cabin is all about matching the right weapon to the demigod."

"Wait, if you're grouped by godly parents, how are you divided equally for war games and stuff?"

"We're not."

"That's weird. If they did that at Camp Jupiter, I would be on my own."

"Oh, well who's your parent?"


Annabeth looked to the side, as if she was thinking about something, then shook her head. "Let's try out some weapons."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2022 ⏰

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