Poison Ivy

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It was beautiful so beautiful
my eyes were drawn to it
my heart was drawn to it

Sent from above,it was angelic
bestowed with shades of beauty
as it blossomed
I was enveloped in it's fragrance
I fell in love instantly
to protect my love from the sun
I held it close to my heart
I was deaf to people's pleas
I was mad to them

The sky became cloudy
so dark was it I couldn't see
I held until my love closer
Sounds of thunder raged the earth
I couldn't care less about it
cause I was with my love
i held on tighter
as it  rained cats and dogs

The storm passed away
The sun smiled Illuminating
the earth
My love was nowhere to be found
I searched for my love desperately
My love still wasn't nowhere to be found

I suddenly saw my wounds
My heart was bleeding

Everything became clearer
I realized what my love truly was
All facade was washed by the rain
Indeed I was mad
I was blinded
Letting go was too late
i was injured by love
My heart was already pierced.

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