Crappy hotel

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After a couple minutes of following Siri's directions I arrive at the hotel, hotel? They call this a hotel? What?! This is not the hotel in the pictures online, I look at my phone, then back at the 'hotel' several times in shock. This isn't even a hotel it's a dirty one story building, very very small. Where are the rooms if this is a hotel? It's already 22:00 and I hadn't eaten for at least 10 hours. I NEEDED to sleep, at this point I couldn't care less about food I just need to rest.

To the left of the 'hotel' was a DIY laminated sign,in terrible writing might I add, reading 'car park' with a very dodgy arrow pointing down a dimly lit dirt road. Without questions I just drove to the car park, I was too tired for anything else. The car park was very basic, 6 spaces, in 2 rows of 3. There was only one other car, it was a 1995 Citroen parked in the space labelled 'manager' hmm I don't know why but I found this interesting. In my opinion a car someone owns, and their occupation says a lot about them. From this I figured that the manager was short on cash. I mean it is 2016, I'm surprised this piece of crap was still working, it had tons of scratches and dents all along the body. The managers car is 21 years old, older than me. But something did catch my eye about this car, their number plate was a private one, one that obviously mean something to them. It was 'B19 BMF' this, this was eerily familiar, but I don't have time to investigate I just need to go to sleep.

I reverse my car into a 'guests' labelled space, jump out, grab my suitcase and backpack and head to the door. 'Right, just be careful and try not to talk to them much' I voiced to myself. Why? Why would I say this to myself if I wasn't concerned about staying in this hotel? Nevertheless I knocked on the damp wooden door, and waited. No one answered straight away, which I suppose is expected but I nearly found myself drifting off to sleep. Until someone finally opened the door, I instantly got a strong smell of weed, I was greeted by a very tall girl, I am 5'10 so I rarely saw girls taller than me, but this girl towered over me like the guilt of murdering someone, not that I know what that feels like but that's what I think it would feel like if-
Never mind I need to stop waffling.
'Hi, I'm chloe. Please can I stay in a room just for tonight, I'll be out early morning, no food needed thank you' I cheerfully told the lady. I had 0% energy but still managed to put a fake smile on and a happy voice, because I am respectful like that.
'Whatever, just follow me' she said in an obscene tone. I would've called her out for it but I can't be assed.
She took me down a creaky staircase,I followed her but I couldn't see ahead of us, she was too large, the staircase turned left. Then ended at a plain white door. I was so confused but tired at the same time. I could feel my gut telling me to run but my head telling me to trust them, always go with your gut. Instant regret overwhelmed me, why the fuck didn't I leave as soon as I saw it was not the same hotel online? As we came to a halt I asked the rude lady where I was, she completely blanked me and stared into my soul. What was she looking at, I felt uncomfortable and suddenly ran back up the stairs. I felt a strong arm grab my bicep and pull me back. I flew into the plain white door at such speed I was knocked unconscious...

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