Party with Me

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"Y'all!" Rowan bursts into the living room with enthusiasm, "what do you think?" She's been agonizing over what to wear to this party all week. After trying on basically every item of clothing she owns, Rowan decides on a short, black mini skirt, a fitted white tank top, and some chunky black Vans. A thick, silver chain hangs from her waist as a belt, while a similar chain necklace adorns her slender neck, drawing attention to her collarbone.

Being roommates, Blue, Beau, and Garrett rarely see her in anything other than baggy sweats or athleisure wear. Seeing her like this sends an unfamiliar bang to Blue's chest.

"You look fine," Beau murmurs, casting a cursory glance in her direction. She huffs.

"You look amazing," Blue retorts, saving her from changing outfits again. He walks by her on the way to his room to change. "But you always do," he whispers as he passes. Blue is taken aback by Rowan's beauty. Her long, dark hair cascades down her back in loose waves. The reflection of the necklace makes her caramel skin sparkle, and the soft makeup she is wearing only serves to emphasize her big, hazel eyes, full lips and high cheekbones. His eyes wander to her chest, where her nipples are slightly visible through the thin, white fabric.

Rowan's breath catches in her throat for a moment. Uh...what was that? Blue's never said anything like that to me before. She brushes off the compliment, chalking it up to Blue just being nice.

"So what else needs to be done before everyone gets here?" Rowan is a planner - everything needs to be just so before the party starts. She runs down her mental checklist aloud with the guys:

"Beer pong set up by the pool?"

"Yes..." reply Garrett and Beau.

"Furniture moved to the side in the living room for dancing?"

"Yes!" they sigh in unison.

"Wet bar stocked with cups, ice, alcohol, and mixers?"

"Obviously," they scoff.

"Snacks and other sundries in the kitchen?"

"Ugh... who says sundries?" remarks Garrett.

"I do! It means miscellaneous stuff!" Rowan couldn't help that her vocabulary stumped her roommates sometimes. At least he's pretty.

Garrett despised the fact that Rowan thought he was dumb, because he really wasn't. He just didn't care that much about seeming smart. He did enjoy their playful banter though.

"I'm gonna go change," Garrett calls to Beau and Rowan as he makes his way up the stairs to his bedroom. He settles on his go-to casual look: black distressed jeans with a hole near the pocket, a chambray button up with pearl snaps, unbuttoned so that his bare chest peaks through, and his spiked choker. He really hopes to catch Ronnie's eye, because he's been eyeing her ever since Blue brought her over for dinner one night. He probably looks at her instastory ten times a day.

"I guess I'll go change," Beau announces to the empty space around him. He walks to his room and stands in front of his messy closet. He opts for a white, long-sleeved button up shirt--a nice contrast to his dark skin--and slim black jeans. His thick, muscular thighs bulge through the rips in the fabric. He throws on white vans and his small silver chain to polish his look. His diamond earrings sparkle in sync with his light brown eyes.

The doorbell can be heard below, chiming loudly over the low music. Time to party. 

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