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"This Forest is cursed" mumbling to yourself while looking up at the night sky, shining through the treeline.

"I've been walking for hours now, and yet no clearing insight"

Letting out a deep sigh, you slump down against a tree, pulling your knees close to your body.

If you chose to admit it or not, you got lost in this forest, resting your head on your knees, letting your eyes scan the woodlands around you

The trees and bushes were cast in darkness, the only light source was the moon, dimly lighting the makeshift path you've been walking on for hours.

What brought you here in the first place?

Was it the nagging curiosity of what might lay behind the bridges clearing, pushing on further past that, to the forest that was separating the township and the big mansion lying just behind.

No matter what it was, you couldn't get past the thicket of the forest, even when you tried to turn on your heels and leave, it felt like something was playing tricks on you, leading you to the same place, treelines parting letting the moon illuminate the path.

"What should I do...?" Letting out a deep sigh, closing your eyes and listening to the eerie silence the wilderness held

A shudder rings through your body, as you slowly open your eyes, seeing snow gliding through the air

"Snow? Out of all the things, why is it snowing now" pushing yourself up, a shiver ran through your body, clasping your arms around yourself tightly, only realizing now how cold it became.

"Not good, I'll freeze to death if I stay any longer"

Pressing on through the forest anew, starting to walk faster, while it became colder and colder

the snowing became even heavier, coating the trees and path alike, making it difficult to see.

"I'll have to get out of this bewitched forest, I just have to"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2020 ⏰

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