Chapter 1: Caught

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So as you have read in the announcement on Rain, this is a short spin-off.  Feel like I could have done better than this, but this is just what came to mind.



All that could be heard was the deafening silence and the slight fidgeting from Izuku who was getting more nervous, especially in the position they were in.

Katsuki was practically pushing Izuku more into the desk as the seconds passed by as he leaned in further towards him.  And the look that Katsuki was giving him, seemed to demand an answer to his confession.

"Kaachan.... I always thought you hated me." He said slowly, "So I never wanted you to find out."

Katsuki said nothing, and waiting for Izuku to continue.

"You know that I admire you a lot.  I have since we were little kids.  You're just so cool." Izuku slightly smiled, "I don't know when, but eventually that began to change.  I still admire you, but it felt different."

Katsuki listened attentively to what Izuku said patiently.

"I was always afraid of you.  I still am sometimes.  But something else began to grow besides that fear." He nervously licked his lips, "I started to like you." He took a deep breath, "No, I don't like you.  I know it's more than just like...." And his words were cut off as Katsuki grabbed a hold of his tie and shortened those few inches between them.

Katsuki once again kissed him.  But this one was different.  It felt different.  Different for both of them, because no each of them were both sure about what they felt for the other.

There was no doubt about it now.


Securing his grip on his umbrella, he walked the same path he did every day to go to school.

He knew that he would be a bit early than everyone else, but he wanted some time to be able to revise the notes from before.

Todoroki tilted his umbrella slightly back to catch a glimpse of the cloudy sky.

"From the looks of it, it's not going to stop raining any time soon." He muttered to himself as his continued his way to school.

By the time he had gotten to school and was making his way to the classroom, it was already 7:40, and it seemed like he wasn't the only one there either.

"You're early too!" A voice called out to him from behind.

Turning around he saw Kirishima making his way towards him smiling and waving his hand.

Todoroki nodded, "Yeah."

After talking for a while, they both continued their walk to the class, unaware of what was currently transpiring in said classroom.


The two students paused, more like froze right in front of the door in shock.

"S-someone.... could hear." They heard someone stutter out.  They could tell that it was Izuku, but he sounded different.

In a way, his words sounded breathy.

Todoroki and Kirishima slowly exchanged a glance.  At once they knew that they both had heard the same thing.

"There's still time until those shit rags come." They could tell right away that it was Katsuki who had just spoken.

After those words were uttered, not a single word was said again.  Only faint pants could be heard.

At realizing what might be happening, the two could feel their face heat up.  Their face slightly matching the color of their red hair.

Taking a deep breath, Kirishima reached for the door and quickly slid it open.  He certainly was not read for what he saw.


His once flushed face, now seemed to pale.  And it seemed that it wasn't only him.

Izuku, Todoroki and Kirishima.  All three who once had a tint of red to their cheeks, was now paling in shock and surprise.

"What's going on here?" Kirishima asked not really believing the sight in front of him.

Katsuki practically pinning Izuku to a table, with his shoulder and neck exposed with obvious red marks all over.

Katsuki slowly turned his body to face the two intruders, "Just as it looks like." He said, "And you two fucking assholes just ruined it." He frowned even more than he was already.

Todoroki closed his eyes and slowly rubbed his forehead, "I'll just pretend I didn't see anything.  you don't have to be afraid of us saying anything Midoriya." He sighed.

On the outside he looked more calm than he should have, but on the inside he was in total panic.  Never in his life had he ever seen something like this.  Since his early childhood, if such a thing would appear in a movie or commercial, his sister would quickly change the channel or cover his eyes, saying that he was too young for it.  As he grew, his sister lessened her protectiveness of what he should see.

But this was a first time to see something in person.


Just as promised, no one ever mentioned of what had transpired in that room.

Those who caught the two childhood "friends" in the classroom, decided from that day onward to never come to class so early in the morning.


So how was it?

Should I continue doing small spin-offs a what if's.  Or just some scenarios where stuff happens? I kind of want to do that, but not sure.

If I do continue this, which I probably will I guess.  It might take a while since I hurt my arm over a month ago.  I was sharpening my knives I got for Christmas.  And well I guess I might have moved my arm in the worn way, don't know.  But since then I've had pain and swelling.  Now it's better, but it was so much worse before.

Couldn't even make a fist with my hand, let alone move it.  So, since I'm still kind of recovering, I'm going to be even more slower in some updates.

So that's it for now.  Hope you enjoyed it.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2020 ⏰

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