Strange Normalities

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"What do you mean gone?!?"

"I mean gone! Master Fu is missing!"

Cat Noir stood up, pacing. Ladybug had gone home and dragged him to the Eiffel Tower before the other heroes were supposed to meet. He was as shaken as she was.

Tuning out her partner's agitation, Ladybug pulled her knees up to her chest, trying to breathe deeply. A small breeze sent icy tendrils up her arms. She shivered.

"Whoever took him probably has the Butterfly Miraculous as well," Cat Noir sighed. He sat down again, fidgeting with his ring, and she sensed that he was trying to stay calm for her sake. Ladybug gave him a weak smile. "So, really... we're right back where we started."

She hesitated, leaning against him. He put an arm around her shoulders. "Not really," she pointed out. "The new Hawkmoth has Master Fu and the Miracle box. On top of that, they must have known about them beforehand, and the Butterfly Miraculous was taken right from Reena's hand without her noticing. This person is dangerous even without powers. What if... what if they know more?" Ladybug bit her lip anxiously. Her partner rubbed her back, thinking.

"I'm sure our identities are safe if that's what you're worried about."

"How can you be sure? And I was also thinking they might know about... you know..."

"...oh, right." Cat Noir retracted his arm, hugging himself. "Well... I don't see how they would, and even if they did know, what would they do about it?"

She exhaled slowly. "Probably nothing. I'm more worried Hawkmoth will find out where we live. We'll have to be careful."

He nodded mutely, and Ladybug fell silent as well. The events of earlier were still fresh in their minds. Those memories would haunt her for weeks at least. If it was that bad for her, she hated to think how terrible her partner felt right now.

"How dare you ignore me, you insolent wretch!" "You've always been worthless, and you'll always be worthless."

"I-I'm sorry..."

Ladybug swallowed hard and stood up. " Come on, let's meet the others."


"We get to keep them?" Queen Bee gasped, eyes shining. Cat Noir elbowed her in the ribs. She yelped, glaring at him for a moment, but her expression faltered; probably remembering the events of earlier. He pretended not to notice.

"I don't want you guys transforming unless I call you. I just think that given the situation, it's best that the remaining miraculous aren't all in one place." Ladybug's face hardened. "I trust all of you, but I need to make this very clear. If you leave your home transformed without me, even just for some air, I'll have to take your miraculous. It's too risky to be in the open right now."

They nodded. Even Queen Bee seemed to grasp how serious this was, and that counted for something.

"M'lady, why don't we head home? I think everyone needs rest." Cat Noir placed a hand on her shoulder with a pointed look. "It's been a long night."

Ladybug frowned. "No, I have to try and find M-Master F-Fu--" She cut herself off with a yawn, eyes drooping. She leaned into him. "Fine, m'be just a lil nap..."

He sighed. Now that the initial shock and adrenaline was wearing off, his bones felt like lead, and the others looked almost as bad. "I'll take her home. Be careful, you guys."

He picked Ladybug up and vaulted away. "I could have done this myself," Ladybug protested sheepishly. "You need to rest more than I do."

He smiled at her wearily, but only held on tighter. The girl fell silent. She was probably too tired to argue.

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