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You shoot the doctor a nervous glance "doctor what the hell is a weeping angel?" He turned to face you
"I'll explain on the way there" he stood up left a top on the table, I got up and we both followed River. "Alright, Y/N weeping angles are quantum locked aliens that have the best camouflage ever, at first glance the just look like statues, then you turn your head, or you blink and there much more" the doctor explained this was not the first time he had ran into the weeping angles, the doctor walked up to River and talked about some things, you looked to your side and looked in a large shop window you saw something you wanted, you snuck into the shop and bought a bright red fez."So
Y/N.." the doctor turned around, and he didn't see you, "Y/N?" The doctors face froze in fear that something had happened to you, but let out a sigh of relief when he saw you running his direction to catch up. "Y/N were did you go?"The doctor looked on the top of your head were the fez was, he just smiled and laughed. "Oi, you two we need to get a move on.." River stopped in her tracks when she saw the fez, "oh god not you too" she just rolled her eyes, and started walking again, you and the doctor exchanged glances and just smiled and followed her.
"Here we are" said River. You stood in front of what looked like an old factory, as you, the doctor, and River walked in, River handed a doctor what looked like a ball then he kicked it in the air and when it hit the ceiling it started to glow and it lit up the whole building. "Alright, this is a very large building so we should split up to look for the angel, if you find it scream spoilers,k" River seemed like a good leader but there was something about her that made you nervous. After about 10 minutes of searching,you stumbled upon a door that had a name plate on it but you couldn't read it so you assumed it was just the old bosses office ,as you walk in you looked behind you making sure the angel wasn't there, but when you turned around it was right in front of you, your face froze then you remembered river told you if you found it to scream something. "SPOILERS"you screamed as loud as you could, "y/n" you heard the doctor quietly scream followed by the distant sound of footsteps, you remember the doctor said not to look away so you stared at the angel until the doctor and River found you. River pulled out a small mirror and stuck it to the door, so the angle would Have to stare at its self forever. "Nice thinking River" you smiled, she smiled back, "well sweetie, I guess I must be off now" and with that River pushed a button on her watch and vanished."Where did she go" you asked "God only knows with River she could be anywhere" he laughed. "So Y/N should we head back to the tardis or do you want to get a hotel room for the night?" You thought for a few seconds, the fake yawned, A hotel room sounds nice"
"Alright let's be off, Geronimo"
He said as he grabbed your hand and you both took off to find a hotel.

My bow tie and fez loving heroWhere stories live. Discover now