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I looked back and saw Dylan with his mother.

Dylan with his usual messy school uniform, and his mother. Looking like she's ready for a fashion show. She's definitely... overdressed. She was wearing a plain white shirt, with a brown fur coat, leggings, and the highest boots ever. Her dirty blonde hair was tied up to a high ponytail. Gold sunglasses hang on her forehead.

Doesn't she know the temperature right now? It's almost 40° degrees out! I still sweat a lot even in my tank tops! How is she surviving in that fur coat polar bears use?

" Hi Kingston, " Delilah said with a flirty tone.

" Hey Delilah! Come on in, " Dad said. He opened the door for them and Delilah went in.

" Ehem, Karen... Aren't you going to greet Dylan? " Dad said while coughing. A hidden message. So yesterday.

" Euh, hi Dylan! Come on in, " I cheerfully said. Over the years of our parents being close friends, I have learned A LOT about acting.

" Hey Karen, " Dylan said. He opened the door and went in.

" As a little welcoming party, I'm taking you guys to the ice cream parlor, my treat, " Dad said.

Delilah cheered and clapped her hands. Dylan and I just smiled.

The ice cream party went quite well. And by quite well, it means that there were no fights. It was awkward, for sure, but they had no food fight, which was a great accomplishment.

Dad and Delilah flirted with each other, of course. Dylan and I just sat down playing each other's phones.

The ice cream party ended quickly and Dad drove us to my house.

" So uh, there's this one bit that I haven't quite told you yet, " Dad said.

" What dad? " I asked. Anything would probably be better than the situation right now.

" Well... Since we don't really have much room here, Delilah will be sleeping in my bed, while I sleep on the couch in my room, Dylan will be sleeping in the couch in your room, okay Karen, " Dad said.

Okay, I take back my past statement. Things CAN get worse

" This decision is fixed, no arguments, or I'm taking your bike for a month, " He snapped.


It's already bad enough that I have to be living in one house with Dylan Ryder. Now I have to be in one room with him! I think eating a moldy pizza would be better than this

" Okay dad, " I said. I sighed. I had no way out of this. All I can do is just go with the flow. Things couldn't get worse right?

" Dylan, here's your luggage, take it yourself, I have dozens of luggage to unpack, Kingston's helping me, " Delilah said. She gave Dylan his luggage.

Kingston and Delilah then began unpacking and preparing dinner.

" Come Dylan, I'll show you to my room, " I said. I took Dylan's luggage and headed upstairs with Dylan trailing behind me.

" So this is my room, " I said.

" You will be sleeping here, I'll grab a pillow and a blanket for you, you can put your luggage on the floor, " I said. I keep putting on a frowny face. I hated Dylan Ryder! And now he's in my room? What a nightmare.

" Okay, " Dylan replied. He didn't smile or anything. His voice was plain and deep. No expressions in his face whatsoever.

I went out of the room to grab some pillows and blankets in the closet. I then went back in my room and tidied up the couch for Dylan to sleep.

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