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I just picked out a handful of the most popular ships that people genuinely ship so enjoy, and I apologize if this offends you, this is just my opinion that no one asked for. (i made this a while ago, but just found it in my drafts so hi)

19. Whamilton 🤮 (Washington x Hamilton)
I hate this ship, I'm sorry if u ship it but he's like his dad I'm sorry but no.

18. Thaurens 🙄 (Laurens x Jefferson)
No, I can see why people ship it cos they're both hot but no, they never met and if they did they would have hated each other, Jefferson owned slaves and Laurens was so against slavery just no.

17. Pheaker 😔 (Philip x Eaker)
They hated each other, no

16. Jamilton 🤬(Jefferson x Hamilton)
I hate this ship, I only put it higher than the rest cos so many people ship it and I don't wanna get beaten up.

15. Hamburr 🔫 (Burr x Hamilton)
I mean I don't like this ship, they kind of had a rivalry their whole lives, but it wasn't as toxic as Hamilton and Jefferson, so that's why it's higher.

14. Hamgelica 😡 (Angelica x Hamilton)
I don't like ittttt! Irl it was never a thing and I'm mad lin wrote it into the musical.

13. Jamilams 🤪 (Jefferson x Hamilton x Laurens)
I hate Jamilton but I love lams so uh.

12. Lafferson 🤓 (Jefferson x Lafayette)
Daveedcest, it's aight I don't really care.

11. Laflams 🤭(Laurens x Hamilton x Lafayette)
Hamilton's grandson called them the gay trio so maybe? Idk tho I've never really shipped it but I still kinda like it idk.

10. Jeggy 🤕 (Peggy x Laurens)
This is cute cos janthony but John is gay so no, it's a cute friendship tho.

9. Philidosia 🤠 (Philip x theodosia)
It's cute, I can't say I ship it hardcore but it's cute.

8. Leggy 🦵 (Lafayette x Peggy)
This is a cute ship, I like.

7. Marliza 😈(Eliza x Maria)
I know I know, Eliza prolly didn't like Maria yknow considering the fact that she is the woman hammy cheated on her with but hear me out: lesbians

6. Meggy 👽 (Peggy x Maria)
I know they never met, but jazzy is hot and lesbians.

5. Mullette 😄 (Mulligan x Lafayette)
They never met irl but every lams fic has mullette in it so I've been trained to like it.

4. Jeffmads 😏 (Jefferson x Madison)
I like it, it's cool I approve.

3. Hamliza 🥰 (Hamilton x Eliza)
They were married and they really did love each other.

2. Elams 🤗(Eliza x Hamilton x Laurens)
It's cute I like it but not as much as lams sooo.

1. Lams 🥺😍😍❤️❤️🥺🥰💕😍 (Hamilton x laurens)
Y'all saw this coming, I love lams, best ship, it's historically accurate. Thank you and goodnight.

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