The Start of the Beginning

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As I ran to playground excited to play, little did I know, that there are kids standing, staring, laughing, looking at ME. Trying to figure out, is it a boy or is it a girl? Why must they keep doing this? Why can't they just leave me alone?!

I keep trying to reach out, make friends, talk to people, but no one seems to understand me. I try so hard!

"I'm a GIRL!" I exclaimed.

But no one seemed to understand as they all screamed, "AH!! It's an alien!" And ran away from me.

I was so upset, I just wanted to play! I am good at almost everything. I can play anything. Why won't they just let me play?

It's the second grade now. Mom cut my hair. Really short. I do look like a boy. It's my fault though, she told me if I didn't brush it everyday that she would cut it all off. I didn't beleive her. She didn't lie.

I wish I wasn't born this way. I wish I was normal. I wish people could understand me when I say things. I wish I didn't have to go to speech therapy 3 times a week. I wish I had more than just one person that understood me. I wish she didn't have to move away.

Things have always been tough for me, ever since I was born. Mom says she spent numerous nights awake, concerned about me. Concerned about my eating, not knowing what was going on with me. Doctors said that I was fine. My mom didn't agree, she knew that something was wrong.

I still remember having to go to the doctor that day. I remember waking up in the hospital bed, my mom next to me reading a book. I looked over and I had blood on my pillow. I tried to talk to ask my mom what happened and why it was there. She told me not to talk, my throat was extremely sore. At the time I didn't know what was going on. This was just the first of two surgeries. I went in for just one, but they had to take my tonsils out because they were in the way. I had to wait until they healed to get another surgery that was going to be worse. It's hard for me to explain it. But that second surgery made it to where I was actually able to talk. Maybe when I get older my mom will help me understand what exactly happened to me when I was only 5 years old.

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