Chapter 2

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Tafida, a tall young man in his late twenties walked into the lecture theatre while a lecture was going on. He knew that he was late, but it wasn't his really his fault and thanks to the stupid traffic in town! Since there was a main door at the rear, he quickly slipped into a seat closer to the door before the male lecturer who was writing a sentence on the board could turn around. Unlike other students in the lecture auditorium, Tafida was different. He carried himself with such swag that most of the other students didn't have and he had a unique dress sense but all these was mostly he had grown up abroad and had lived most of his life there. He had a tattoo of his late mother's name under his wrist and few other insignificant tattoos hidden under his clothes. He had a passion for painting but it was only a hobby.

He hardly mingled with anyone besides his twin sister, Tabitha and a long-time friend, Linus. He preferred stay under the radar by keeping his circle small but despite this, it didn't stop most girls from noticing him. Tafida knew that he could get just any girl he wanted but he had his preferences and he just hadn't found that lady yet especially because he was not interested in anything that had to do with love or commitment for the time being.

Being the infamous black sheep of his family, Tafida had travelled down to Nigeria a few years ago  without his father's consent and he had come down to Nigeria for two purposes. One, was to experience life in his true country of origin while the other was to also study a course of his choice even though he was already a graduate of Law and also had a Master's degree. Tafida had done all the necessary things he needed to do to get admission into the university and after much effort in one of Nigeria's prestigious universities, he was now in his final year. Although, Tafida knew that the school had resumed from the holiday break two weeks ago, this was the first lecture he was attending this semester. Tafida was rebellious, resilient and could be daring most times. He was always at loggerhead with his father and had gone against his father wishes so many times that the old man had given up on him and had left him to have his way. He had made sure that no one, not even students or lecturers knew his true identity because he didn't want any preferential treatment since his father was not only wealthy but was popular.

Tafida quietly scrutinized the lecture theatre and the other students now and since he was sitting at the rear, he could see almost everyone clearly. He had six students sitting on his row of seats, two of which were discussing football and bet naija. He saw three friends who looked more like expired Slay-queens secretly taking several pictures on Snapchat and a chubby lady was secretly receiving a call under the desk, telling whoever that was on the line to call her back since she was in the lecture theatre. It was obvious that only a few students paid attention to the ongoing lecture while the others were either bored, distracted or nonchalant.

Soon, the lecturer's time elapsed and he bid the students goodbye and left the lecture theatre. Immediately he stepped out, the theatre erupted into a noisy one as the students finally began to gist aloud, chat on social media, laugh aloud and some guys moved to different seats to gist with other students. After what felt like ten minutes of serious noise, a male student suddenly dashed into the theatre announced after sighting a familiar car.

"The witch is on her broom!"

Suddenly, some the students quickly scrambled to their normal seats and sat down quietly. Those who were busy with their phones, quickly switched them off and slipped them into their bags or pockets, while those who had on earphones quickly pulled them off. Those who were wearing beanies or baseball hats either removed their beanies or turned their hats forward in a decent manner. Some of the girls having on more than a pair of earrings quickly took them off, those who were on sleeveless, quickly fetched their jackets or kimonos and slipped them, the girls who had long braids or waist-length hair extensions immediately wrapped them up in a bun or packed them with a rubber band away from their faces while those who had their sunshades on quickly removed them. Tafida watched all of them in confusion wondering what was going on and before he knew it, the once noisy theatre was now as quiet as a grave.

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