Chapter 3

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As Yvonne walked into her office, the secretary quickly rose to greet her and Yvonne asked immediately without responding to her greeting. "Did you get the information I need?"

"Yes, ma." Veronica quickly pulled out a printout containing the information her boss needed. "His name is Tafida Luca Yohana and he's a final year student."

"I see...well, it seems someone will either be spending two extra years in this school or getting expelled." She said more to herself, collected the printout and walked into her office. After an hour, there was a knock on the door and before she could utter a word, she heard her door open. When Yvonne looked up from what she was writing to snap at whoever had had the guts to come into her office without her permission, she softened when she realized that it was only her friend, a fellow lecturer in the History and International Studies department. Her name of Bernice Onoja. She was what anyone would call a big beautiful woman who carried her big body with pride despite being in her mid-thirties. She was a widow with two sons and even though most lecturers flirt with or hit on her, Bernice didn't want to get married just yet because she wanted to have all the fun she could before settling down again. She felt there was no need to rush anything because she had already achieved everything she wanted. She had loved her husband but he had died from lung cancer eight years ago and she was not in a hurry to replace him.

"H.O.D-H.O.D!" The woman hailed now but when she realized that Yvonne wasn't smiling as usual, she was forced to ask as she pulled out a seat and sat down across from Yvonne. "This one that your face is stronger today, what is it again?"

"Yvonne exhaled then said as she relaxed into her chair. "Bernice, you wouldn't believe what happened to me today."

"What happened that could possibly have ruined your mood this afternoon?"

"A student called me a bitch!" Yvonne spat, still highly irritated by Tafida's gut.

"Jesus Christ!" Bernice suddenly exclaimed then laughed in disbelief. "You must be joking! Who in this school would dare tell you that to your face?! I mean, I know you don't have too many friends and your students definitely do not like you since you are considered a sadist but which student would dare tell you such to your face??!"

"One who has grown a lot of balls and is about to be expelled.

"Expelled?" Bernice asked in surprise then glanced down at the paper Yvonne had been writing on. "Don't tell me you are reporting to the Dean."

"What do you want me to do? Pretend this never happened? This student deserves to be taught a lesson and if I don't put a stop to this now, more students might become daring and that's not a chance that I'm willing to take. No one disrespects me and gets away with it!"

"Haba! No, no, no." Bernice disagreed, shaking her head as she reached out and took the printout from her desk. "Is this the student?" She asked, holding up the printout.

"Yes, that's the little fool that thinks he can disrespect me and get away with it." Yvonne seethed.

Bernice took a good look at the passport-sized photograph in the top right corner of the printout then smiled slyly. "But let's be frank here, Yvonne, this guy is actually good looking. This guy is so fine that I'm bound to have wet dreams from just staring at his picture. Jeez! Those eyes!"

"Seriously?!" Yvonne gave her a displeased look now. "Is that all you are concerned about right now?! His eyes?! Listen Bernice, I don't care how he looks, that boy is leaving this school!" Yvonne stated firmly. "To think that he actually also had the guts to write his matric number on my palm made me feel like grabbing him by the throat." She lifted her palm to show Bernice the fading numbers.

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