𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝒽𝒾𝓇𝓉𝓎-𝒯𝒽𝓇𝑒𝑒

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The tea tasted just as I'd imagined, delicious. I sipped the last of the drink out of my cup as Gale talked. The half-eaten scone on the table was lemon flavored and tasted just as good—if not better than—the extra sugary tea. The two of us had made ourselves comfortable, sitting far from the door at a table beside a window.

At the moment, Gale was informing me about some new law the nobles were trying to pass. He was ranting slightly, obviously irritated at the nobles though he kept his voice low so others would not overhear. I nodded along, listening to his words as I broke off another piece of the scone and popped it into my mouth.

"Well, I suppose I've bored you enough with my talk of politics. So, is there anything on your mind?" Gale inquired, watching me carefully. I merely shrugged in response.

"I'm not sure. Nothing special has been happening that you don't know about," I laughed slightly before trying to think of something, anything, to say. "Gale?" My voice was softer now, more serious. Noticing the sudden change in my tone, Gale frowned, his brows furrowed.


"I don't know how to phrase this but...well...what would you say we are?" I asked, my eyes darting from Gale's to the empty cup in front of me. I sure knew how to make a conversation awkward, and yet I couldn't help but ask. I needed to know.

"I mean, we both feel the same, don't we? I thought that was clear that other night, when you....." I trailed off, pausing for a moment before shaking my head, continuing. "I guess I was just unsure. You're royalty, anyhow, and I don't have that good of a reputation; so I suppose I just wanted to know what you thought of this-" I gestured between him and me, "-as."

Gale watched me carefully, his earthy eyes connecting with mine, my heart almost stopping as they did so. What I wouldn't give to get up and embrace him right now. To kiss him. But this was a public area, and that was not respectable, especially given our vast differences in status.

"Aria-" Gale started, though he paused as he looked out the window. His eyes squinted for a moment as if trying to see something in the far distance. I frowned, not understanding what was going on. Looking out the window, also, I tried to spot what exactly Gale was eyeing. Was it a threat? An animal? One of the nobles he was speaking of? I couldn't tell.

Then, I noticed it. At first it had slipped my mind almost as if it were a natural occurrence at this time--except it wasn't. It was snowing. It appeared normal enough, but it wasn't right. It wasn't cold enough for there to be any snow. Not yet. Sure, it was chilly, but it wasn't below freezing.

That could only mean one thing.

I felt my heart hammer against my chest as I rose from my seat, Gale following my movements just as quickly. My whole body shook as my breathing quickened. Fear raced through my veins as I continued to stare at the window, unable to look away. I feared that if I did, he would suddenly appear and kill Gale before taking me away.

In a split second, mustering up the strength to regain my ability to move, I grabbed onto Gale and sprinted from the café. The others around us watched in confusion as we ran, but I didn't care. I had to get away; I had to get him away. I wouldn't let Gale fall victim to Colton. I'd let him harm Gale once, and I wouldn't let it happen again.

We nearly fell out of the café, stumbling over our own feet, though our reflexes allowed us to continue on. I wouldn't be stopped, not so easily. I would evade Colton. I would keep Gale safe. Those words kept ringing in my head as I started into the crowd of people milling about. If only those words were true.

"We have to get to the square. We have to find the others," I panted, watching Gale nod from the corner of my eye. He was running beside me now, his strides lengthier than mine due to his height. Still, I managed to keep up, the adrenaline in my body keeping me alert.

We pushed through the crowd, forcing our way through. I almost let out a sigh of relief when I saw the fountain indicating we were in the square. That is, until I saw him, standing right beneath the fountain, a cold smile on his pale face. I felt my heart drop as I grabbed onto Gale's wrist in an effort to pull him away and in another direction. My effort was to no avail as I was stopped by a man who now stood directly in front of me. His black eyes gleamed as they looked over me before scanning Gale. I felt my breath hitch in my throat at the sight of him.

It was the man who I'd met in the square the first time I'd come into town. The odd man who had told me of the decision I had to make. He had been working for Colton then, and now he was here, in front of me, keeping me from bringing Gale to safety.

Narrowing my gaze, I spun on my heel, facing Colton as he continued to grin. People passed by, not noticing the danger they were in; and how could they? Colton seemed normal to the unknown eye. We all did.

"What do you want?" I demanded, my hold on Gale's wrist firm. I wouldn't let him go. Not now, not ever.

"Haven't we been through this before?" Colton sauntered forward. I made an effort to back away but was unable to as I remembered the man behind me. Noticing my discomfort, Colton's icy eyes appeared to gleam with triumph. "I see you've met Bran before, my dear, but I don't believe your little....friend has." Colton was now two feet from me, his hands clasped behind his back. He was having too much fun with this. Torturing me for being concerned about Gale's safety.

"I already asked, what do you want," I snarled, standing as tall as I could, trying to make myself appear fearless though inside I was crumbling.

"I want you, my dear." I cringed at Colton's words. They sounded wrong coming from him, as if he wanted me asa child wants a doll. He only laughed at my display of disgust. "Now, now. You will listen. If not, I'm afraid our King here will have to die, not that that would be a bad thing." Colton's harsh gaze was now on Gale, who stared back. He said nothing. He wouldn't give Colton the satisfaction.

"And how do I know you're not lying?" I challenged, doing my best to keep Colton's attention on me. The less he focused on Gale, the better.

"Have you known me to lie?"

"Yes." I answered without a second thought. Colton looked hurt by my response but masked the emotion before anyone else could see. By now, most of the crowd had dispersed. It was getting late, after all. Those who had not left yet stood watching us, most likely thinking this was some kind of noble drama and not what it actually was—something far more dangerous.

Perhaps if I stalled long enough, Velut would notice Gale and I were gone and come to my aid.

"I guess you'll just have to take my word, then," Colton drawled, his lips forming a smirk. How I wanted to rip that smile off his face. I debated sending back a witty retort but decided against it. Who knew what would happen if I talked back to Colton, especially now when he had us cornered. He knew exactly what he was doing. "So then, do we have a deal?"

I watched Colton, my gaze harsh as my eyes met his. I would not agree quickly. I would not allow him to see my desperation. I would appear emotionless instead. I'd rather that then to let him know how easily I would give my life for Gale's.

I turned to look at Gale, my eyes softening for him as I noticed the distress present in his. He knew I had no choice. It was either his life or mine. At least he would live to see tomorrow.

"You have a deal." My answer was short, sharp. Colton grinned maliciously, then nodded to Bran, who came up behind me, pinning my arms behind my back. He bound my hands in what felt like rope and I prepared myself to be taken away. Only I wasn't. Bran kept me right where I was.

"Go on, be gone," Colton shooed Gale away. I watched as Gale reluctantly turned to leave. His back was turned to Colton, whose fingers flexed at his sides once the royal could not see. In response, the water in the fountain froze, reduced to ice.

I felt my eyes widen as I realized what was going to happen. I made an effort to run forward but was held back. I tried to propel myself into the air, but the wind around me wouldn't respond. I tried to conjure lightning, but none came. I could only yell out a warning as Colton extended his hand, a spear of ice following his movements, aimed right for Gale's heart.

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