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 After her second meeting with Aphrodite, Daria was starting to wish that she had jumped into the harbor with Percy. She even would've preferred the ghost museum.

She didn't really mind hanging out with the girls, especially since she had Hazel there to calm them all down should any fights break out (maybe not a very likely possibility, but a possibility). Walking along the Battery, Daria was reminded of the last time she was here, and of that wonderful ice cream sundae that she, Reyna, and Jason had shared in the muggy heat.

Charleston Harbor glittered in the sun. To the north and south, strips of land stretched out like arms enclosing the bay. At the mouth of the harbor, about a mile out, was an island with a stone fort that Daria couldn't remember the name of.

Next to her, Annabeth inhaled the salty sea air. Daria knew she was thinking of Percy; he carried the scent of the ocean like it made up his blood, which it probably did.

The park was less crowded than it was last time, maybe the locals had gone on summer vacation. Or maybe, they just had the common sense to stay out of the repressive heat. She saw Hazel touch her hair, which, like Daria's own, was beginning to frizz to the point of no return.

"Kind of reminds me of New Rome," Hazel said. "All the big mansions and the gardens. The columns and arches."

Daria hummed in agreement. The American South had often been compared to Rome back before the Civil War. Back before a once honorful and prestigious society had fallen to the evils of slavery.

Piper kept looking around like she expected an ambush. She had said she'd seen this park in that blade of hers, but she wouldn't elaborate. Whatever. Daria knew that the spirit awaiting them wasn't dangerous. At least not physically.

She scanned the park before resting her eyes on her. "There." Daria pointed across the harbor. A hundred yards out, a shimmering white figure floated on the water. She beckoned the girls to follow them, which Piper was already doing in a sort of dazed wonder.

The woman was dressed like a Southern belle-just like last time. Her gown had a low-cut bodice of pink silk and a three-tiered hoop skirt. She wore tall white silk gloves, and held a feathered pink-and-white fan to her chest.

Years ago, Daria had Reyna standing next to her. She and Jason hadn't been dating yet, neither had she even been with Reyna which just served to make Daria feel even more inadequate compared to the beautiful goddess standing in front of her. Now however, she knew better. "We meet again."

"Aphrodite," Annabeth managed to get out. She seemed to be getting over the irrational jealousy that the goddess had graced them with.

"Venus?" Hazel asked in amazement.

"Mom," Piper said, with no enthusiasm.

"Girls!" The goddess spread her arms like she wanted a group hug.

The four demigods did not oblige. Hazel backed into a palmetto tree.

"I'm so glad you're here," Venus said. "War is coming. Bloodshed is inevitable. So there's really only one thing to do."

"And that is?" Annabeth ventured.

"Why, have tea and chat, obviously. Come with me!"

Venus led them to the central pavillion in the gardens, a white-pillared gazebo, where a table was set with silverware, china cups, and of course a steaming pot of tea. There were plates of scones, cookies, and muffins, fresh butter and jam. Venus sat in a wicker peacock chair.

"Oh, my sweet girls," the goddess said, pouring them all tea. "I do love Charleston! The weddings I've attended in this gazebo- they bring tears to my eyes. And the elegant balls in the days of the Old South. Ah, they were lovely. Many of these mansions still have statues of me in their gardens, though they called me Venus."

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