Chapter 15: A Fishermans paradise

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We go back to the bedroom but I insist on leaving all the lights on and I don't sleep much for the rest of the evening. Dimitri was exhausted so he still slept even though he made a comment about not making me stay up alone. The next morning, I contemplate telling Dimitri about Beau or not. I didn't like the thought of having the only other man who had made me forget about Dimitri around Dimitri. It seemed wrong; Two faced in a way. I felt like Beau could really help us though. He knew about these types of things and he was also a medium. I couldn't think of a better person to call on. I start to brew some coffee for Dimitri as he sits at the table. Just when I finally made up my mind to say something, Dimitri beats me to it.
"I don't know what we're going to do but I think we both need a break from this house while we think about it."
"Where would we go?", I say, trying to figure out exactly where he's going with this.
"Well I don't know, didn't you tell me that your mom has been begging you to come see her for a weekend?"
"Don't you miss your mom?", he interrupts. A sadness suddenly covers his face, and I know it's because he misses his.
I hated to say it but I couldn't deny it, I did miss my mom, I missed both of my parents very much, but I had been avoiding them for a reason. I was scared they were going to get caught up in all of this and get hurt.
"Here's my idea, you said your parents only live a couple of hours away. What was the name of that little town again?"
Springtail was probably one of the smallest towns in Alabama. There was only one red light and absolutely no room to grow. That's why I had longed to get out of that place for years. Once I graduated nursing school, I grabbed my chance and got out as soon as possible. I didn't go very far but at least I left. That's more than I could say for most of the people I graduated from high school with.
"Why don't we go to visit your parents for the weekend. I think before we decide what we're going to do, we need to rest and decompress. I think it would do us good to get away and out of the city."
I thought about what he said for a second. Dimitri was right, things had gotten so stressful on all of us that we didn't even enjoy life anymore. We were constantly fearful of the next thing to be creeping around the corner. I hesitated for a second but then I decided he was right.
"Well, it's Thursday so I better call my mom and ask her if it's a good weekend to come."
After taking a sip of his coffee, Dimitri smiled a big silent grin, obviously satisfied that he was able to convince me.
I grabbed my phone and began to call my mom. I put it on speaker phone, so Dimitri can hear. It rings two and half times and she picks up.
"Hey sweetie! Long time, no talk!"
"Mom, it's only been a couple of days."
"Yeah, well you should call your mother everyday. I get stressed out when I don't talk to you. Stress can lead to heart problems and you don't want me to end up like "your uncle mike." I mouth the words as she says them because I knew exactly what she was going to say. My mom has a flair for the dramatic. Uncle mike was my moms oldest brother, he was in fairly good health his entire life until a nasty divorce from my aunt Lydia sent him into a spiraling depression and ultimately he passed away from a heart attack. The doctors told us is was stressed induced. That was 10 years ago and my mom has been using it as a threat ever since.
No, I did not want her to end up like uncle mike.
"No mom, I don't want to stress you out, that's why I was wondering if I could come visit for the weekend?"
In a matter of seconds, my mom went from stressed out about not seeing me to being stressed out about having things perfect for the weekend. She couldn't quit talking about how she had to run to the store tomorrow to get the ingredients for my favorite apple pie and how they kept my room just how I left it.
"Woah, calm down mom. I'm excited too, but also I was wondering if I could bring Dimitri, my boyfriend."
"Boyfriend?! You didn't tell me anything about a...", her voice hesitated for a second.
"Am I on speakerphone?"
"Not anymore." I say as I tap the speakerphone button.
"Okay good...CHILLLE, when did u get a boyfriend?! I knew you had told me you met someone but that was a few weeks ago. Is he cute?"
"Yep, his name is Dimitri and he is very cute."
I look over at a ,now blushing, Dimitri and smile.
"Well we'd love to have him, I can't wait to hear all the details! Are you bringing Viribus too, I hope so."
"Of course, I'd just die if he didn't go with me everywhere.
Mom laughed. She didn't know just how literally I meant that statement.
"We will try to make it around noon tomorrow then, is that good?"
"That's perfect! I will make something special for lunch."
"Can't wait, love you and see you soon!"
I hang up the phone and sigh.
"Well I sure hope you're happy."
"I'm very pleased with myself, thanks.", he chuckles.
I don't return the smile.
"What's wrong? Aren't you excited?"
"Do you think that if we go there, we could put my parents in danger?" I miss them and all but I haven't been avoiding them because I didn't want to see them."
"I understand but I think things will be okay. We're not going to let this thing run our lives. Didn't you say that your father was a preacher?"
My dad was a strong, silent type. He was an amazing father and even though he was a man of very few words, he approached my upbringing with as much understanding and patience as he could. He was a indeed a pastor and in the small southern baptist church I grew up in was where he spoke the most. When he spoke, people listened.
"Yes he is."
"Well I think that's just the kind of power we need to surround ourselves with, viv."
He reached over and squeezed my hand.
He was right. I hope he was right at least. The rest of the day is one of the most relaxing days we've had in a while. It's raining hard outside and Dimitri opens the curtains to his huge glass patio door so we can watch the rain. Viribus seems to enjoy this the most. He plops down on the rug and watches the rain, not moving at all besides maybe a yawn or a twitch of the ear.
I help Dimitri with his physical training so he doesn't lose the mobility in his leg. We do all of the exercises the doctor asks him to do daily. He winces at the pain.
"We can stop if it's hurting too bad.", I say, feeling badly.
"No it's okay, I knew it wasn't going to be comfortable and I have to do it to get stronger. Maybe playing some music would make it more tolerable."
He hops up from the chair and goes to a huge shelf of vinyl records. He pulls one out, sets it on the record player and a warm familiar sound fills the air. I Found you by the Alabama Shakes
"You know Alabama shakes?" Dimitri says excitedly.
"Do I? They are one of my all time favorites."

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