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China went downstairs to see a few nations asleep. He sighed and pulled out blankets, placing them on everyone.

The next morning they woke up and had breakfast, there was a knock at the door and Hong Kong answered it. "What do you want?" Hong Kong asked. "I came to talk to China," he said, rubbing the back of his head "ok" he said letting Greece through.

Greece walked into the kitchen to see everyone, 3 seconds later chibi-pan walked down the sort, rubbing his eyes. "Bad timing...." Greece mumbled to himself.  "what did you want to ask?" China asked Greece, "maybe when all hell isn't breaking loose," Greece said rubbing the back of his neck "alright" china said and got another chair.

*************************a month later*************************

japan woke up next to china, he woke up and went downstairs, he saw Greece on the couch and went to the kitchen, he grabbed some food and eventually everyone else woke up. "you're back!" Greece said engulfing him in a tight hug. "do I get a hug too?" Italy innocently asked. "same! I want one dude!" America said but got punched in the arm by England "n-no" he said shoving Greece away.

*************************a day later*************************

Greece and China had already talked about what they had to and they were leaving now, japan was about to walk out the door when china quickly pulled him inside again, Greece just stared confused but shook it off. "why didn't you tell me?" he asked
"Tell you what?" japan asked. "you and Greece have been dating for 5 years!" he said. "fucking what?!" hong kong pitched in. "do you not consider us family?"
"no- I thought you didn't consider me family after what happened..."
"Kiku honda! how dare you think that!"
"now go, I thing Greece just found another cat," he said, pointing to Greece playing with another cat.

*************************at japan, in japans house*************************

"so, Japan, I've been thinking about this for a while..." he began. "and I was wondering, would you kiku honda," he said, pulling out a box and getting down on one knee. "do the honours of marrying me?" he asked nervously and yet courageously, "hai! hai I will!" japan shouted, hugging him, and something rare happened, he smiled, he smiled and cried out in happiness. Greece slid the band onto his finger and they embraced each other in a kiss.


comment if you want me to write the wedding, but be warned, the only wedding I ever went to was my aunts when I was 10.

anyways thanks for reading

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2020 ⏰

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