hes sick

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It was a crisp autumn day and the leaves were just beginning to fall. I walked out the front door of my house and hurried into my car. It was only October, but already very cold out, so I quickly turned the ignition and blasted the heat onto my face.

Just as I was beginning to back out, I got a text message and I took my car out of reverse and parked to read it.

Hey y/n I'm really sick today and I was wondering if you could come over after school and keep me company??☹️

I quickly typed back

I'll be there around 3:45 with food

I glanced at the clock and realized I would be late for first period if i didn't get a move on, so I hit send and gunned it to school.

School was long and boring, especially with me being worried about t/n all day. He never said what kind of sick he was (vomit or a cold? I don't do well with vomit.) I hoped it was the latter. I could deal with that.

Luckily my last period ended quickly without my teacher being extra and holding us after class for some petty thing that someone had done, as she always does. I rushed out the doors to the student parking lot and drove to get his & I's favorite - (favorite fast food lmaoo). On the way to his house I had to pass a gas station, so I figured I would go in and get him some candy and maybe try to find a redbox movie rental or something. My phone vibrated in my pocket so I paused to read

when will u be hereee I miss you? also can u get some cough drops i will pay u bck for everything i jus feel like shi rn

Perfect. I searched around and found my favorite throat lozenges for when I'm sick - cherry flavored ones, grabbed some snacks and dipped.

I knocked on his door, his parents weren't home yet. His little sister is usually home, and just as I presumed she opened the door for me. "Hiii y/n! Lemme guess... you're here to see t/n." I nodded and she pointed towards his bedroom. "He's in there. To be honest I think he's just faking so that he could stay outta school today." I laughed and followed her inside. "Let me know if you need anything kiddo." I said as I nudged his door open.

I didn't want to make a lot of noise in case he was asleep, so I put the bags on his night stand quietly. He looked really rough. The lights were dim, he was asleep on his stomach and a trash can full of tissues say beside his bed. I gently shook him awake.

"Hey," he croaked and smiled his little crooked smile at me. "What's this?" He said as he peeked into the bags. "Awww you shouldn't have." He said with a sniff, causing a chesty coughing fit. I brought my hand up to his forehead and he definitely felt hot.

"Aww, you poor thing!" I exclaimed, swiping his hair out of his face. He scooted over in the bed to make room for me, and I took off my jacket and placed it on the hook on his closet door. As I got in close to him and snuggled up, something we haven't done much but I didn't want to seem rude especially seeing him like this, he turned his head away and sneezed a few times into his elbow. He sniffed and cleared his throat, grunting and letting his head fall to the pillow.

"I feel so bad right now.  I don't want you to catch it," he sniffed and ran his fingers thru his hair, pulling away from me. "You can leave if you wanna." He stared at the ceiling as he spoke, one hand splayed across his bare chest and the other playing with his hair.

"I'm not scared of a damn cold. Get over here," i said, pulling him over to me and rubbing his back. Even his back was hot. He started to shiver as my cold hands caressed his bare skin. He smelled good. "It's gonna be okay, cause then you'll have to take care of me, won't you?" I teased sympathetically. He chuckled and fidgeted around in my arms for a bit to get comfy. He was making me so hot with his body temperature so I threw the covers off and he started to shiver hard.

"Have you even taken your temp?" I gingerly stroked my nails through his hair, something boys really seem to like.

"No, I'll be fine. Can you grab the remote?" I nodded and handed him the remote. He started coughing and turned away again, still shivering.

"Okay, no, you're scaring me, where do your parents keep the thermometer?" I sat up on the edge of his bed.

"Chill out doc. It's in the drawer to the right next to the fridge." He pointed towards the kitchen, coughing some more.

"Okay, I'll be right back, you can find a movie for us to watch." I walked to the kitchen to grab the thermometer and trotted back to his room. He was blowing his nose when I walked in, the covers wrapped back around him. He threw it into the trash, sniffed and took a sip of water that was on his nightstand.

"Open your mouth." I demanded, and he did as such. I put the thermometer in under his tongue until it beeped.

"Jeez, that's kinda high," I said tossing it onto the night stand.

"Mhmm. Now can you just get over here and keep me warm? I'm tired..." he whined.

"Of course. What're we watching?" I climbed under the covers, already feeling too hot.

"My favorite movie." He said rolling onto my chest.

He wouldn't keep still, and it was kind of annoying me because I kinda needed a nap too. He did a lot of twitching and fidgeting.

"Are you comfortable yet?" I teased.

"I'm real achey." He sounded really congested.

"I'm sorry baby. You'll get better soon." I then sucked in my breath. Did I really just call him baby? Gross. Why do I have to make everything so awkward!

"Did you just-"

I grabbed him by the chin and plopped a big kiss on his lips. "Ye-yeah." I stammered. He was speechless for a second and pulled away. Oh my god, what have I done.

I started to get out of the bed but he grabbed me and said "I just don't want you to get sick. I liked the kiss. I-I like you. Like, like you, Like you." I laughed watching him struggle for words.

"T/n... I like-like you a lot too." We both smiled at each other.

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