a necessary person

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it had been seven months since her mother's death and six months since she was put to rest six feet under the ground forever, and ryun was still a shell of a human being. she couldn't be left alone as her mind went to dark places when she was alone. she had been staying at hyejin's, at her family home, or at her boyfriend chan's. it really didn't matter to her which she stayed at just as long as someone was with her and they had a shoulder for her to cry on.

the past few weeks she had been staying at hyejin's as chan's company was starting to get suspicious of him having late night visitors and her family had lives and responsibilities of their own. hyejin had quickly became a her necessary person and lifeline over the weeks.

she was always there and she would always listen to ryun whenever she'd breakdown. she would pull her into her arms and hold her for hours telling her it would alright and that she would see her mom again someday. hyejin's embrace reminded ryun of her mom's own loving embrace and it only made her sob harder, but no matter what hyejin never let her go. she was the reason ryun was able to function at all and it made her feel even worse that she depended so much on hyejin's presence to get through the days.

"unnie?" tonight had been another episode of hyejin holding ryun until she was reduced to dry hiccups and hyejin's shirt was practically see-through from hours of endless tears.

hyejin hummed her acknowledgment, more focused on stroking her hair and keeping her body held close.

"i'm sorry you have to do this, it shouldn't have to be your responsibility." her voice was horse and thick. it held so much pain, more than any eighteen-year-old girl just following her dreams should ever have to bare.

it shattered hyejin's heart seeing the younger girl she'd come to call her best friend like this. her heart broke a little more every time she had to hold ryun close to her chest and let her cry until she could no longer could. day after day having to force her to eat and drink something so she wouldn't drop dead. the sleepless nights she'd become accustomed to from hours of listening to her emotional rants about how it wasn't fair and how it should have been anyone but her beloved mommy. hyejin could never truly understand ryun's pain but she could be there for her.

"there's no place i'd rather be than by your side. i'm your best friend and you're mine, which means no matter how many times you fall i'll always be here to pick you back up. do you understand?" hyejin met her gaze with so much emotion that if ryun could tear up she would. there was love, sadness, hope, anger, and more that ryun couldn't name in hyejin's stare and it made ryun's heart, for the first time in months, feel like it could beat again.

"i-i understand."

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