2: All we want is freedom.

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I've been fighting nightmares my whole life. And it's the side-effect of my "time" materia. Knowledge of what's going to happen has its own consequences, and my horrific nightmares are one of them. My nightmares are mainly about our ancestors - I always dream of their torture they have gone through, and in the dreams, I live through their eyes. I know so much about our ancestors, that I'm not able to take it all in now.

"Would you like a dessert as a reward of your hard work?" asked our mom as we hummed in happiness.

"Gladly!" me and Aerith said in a synchronization which made all three of us laugh again.

In my life, I have used my materia only in the most urgent situations. I have saved Aerith's boyfriend - a SOLDIER named Zack Fair. And after using my materia back then, I have lost my consciousness for two whole weeks because that is also the price I have to pay for using so much lifestream energy in me.

After I changed Zack's destiny, a Whispers, creatures that wander in this world and make sure that people live up to their fates, started to surround me and since then, they have started whispering doubts, accusations and curses upon me. Because changing something that was set to happen, is the world's sin.

Another time when I was forced to use my materia, was in situations where I'm saving Aerith from being caught by the Shinra facility. In my whole life, I can't let her be caught, but with Zack around, I can rest assured that he will take care of her.

"It's yours favorite, my handmade cherry pie that you two couldn't get enough when you were little." said our mom with a pure joy.

She loved family times like these, me and Aerith were feeling the same.

"Oh! Tomorrow I'm going for a date with Zack!" Aerith beamed with happiness at the thought of her loving boyfriend, "That reminds me... Sweetie, tell him to stop by someday, I want to see him." said mom.

"I will, don't worry, mom. He also wants to see you all! He's just busy with his work now ever since he quit being a SOLDIER." said Aerith with a loving voice.

After dinner, both me and Aerith helped mom with dishes and right after we went to bed. Even though me and Aerith were spending most of our times together, our rooms were separated. And I was glad it was this way because of my nightmares.

"Goodnight!" I shouted from my room, "Goodnight, my babies." said our mom before both me and Aerith closed the door of our rooms.

I was laying in bed, staring at the ceiling because I was slightly scared to fall asleep.

What if I'm going to dream of that again?

But then I heard the planet calling out to me, "Sleep, my child.. There's nothing you can do.."

It is strange.. The planet reaches out to me because it cares about me and Aerith. But whether it's because we are Cetra people, we won't ever know.

I fell asleep. And as always, I have entered the nightmare through our mom's eyes. In this dream, I'm only watching, and feeling all the pain she is through. I hear her thoughts as if I were her.

"Where are my babies? Did they take them away?" she frantically started to search everywhere for me and Aerith in the slums as I felt the panic rise inside of her.

She started calling our names, civilians were looking at her as if she has lost her sanity. No one helped her with searching, she felt helpless but she didn't give up. Until she saw me and Aerith in the arms of our life-sworn enemy, Professor Hojo. He was wearing the most disgusting smile that made send a shiver down mine and mom's spine.

The urgency, panic and a feeling of being worthless now weighed so much on her that it made me feel sick to the stomach. She was living in a constant fear of me and Aerith being taken away by Shinra, and she was now living her nightmare.

"LET THEM GO!" she screamed at the top of her lungs as she started running as fast as she could.

The tears of frustration and anger were now pouring down her cheeks with every step she took.

"Now, now.. You know that you and your daughters are the future of our planet. How could I possibly let go of what took me 5 years of searching for you? If you want to see your daughters and let them be free, then you're also coming with me." he said with a smirk.

She now crumbled to the ground and started to cry uncontrollably.

"I just want us to be free..." she was thinking to herself.

𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖢𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖽 𝖮𝖿 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖯𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖾𝗍Where stories live. Discover now