31: Falling deeper.

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As soon as Cloud mercilessly charged at the poor dogs and its owner, I felt myself being astonished and just stunned at how Cloud was handling his sword.

Of course, I did my best to impress him with my fighting skills as well, however, I don't know why it was, but my gaze was only on him.

At this situation I'm supposed to be focused on the battle, but Cloud's got all of my attention. 

I really need to get a better glimpse of him. And without realizing it, I slowed down the time. I saw Cloud's muscles flex at the tight grip he had on his sword. Even his expression that was so focused, yet so handsome, made me feel butterflies in my stomach.

Wait a minute....

Did I... Did I just slow down the time to observe Cloud's muscles?... 

Goddamn it, Yui! Where's your self-composure!? Ahh, I'm so shameless!

With that, I released the time as I felt my face getting super hot. All of sudden, I got a vision of how our bodies were on top of each other which made me super embarrassed.

I couldn't stand this feeling of shame. Without really observing and paying attention, I have put an end to the match by defeating the beast master with one hit. It made the audience gasp, however, even if the moderators were saying something, I wasted no time getting into the resting room.

Cloud seemed to be a bit taken aback at how fast I disappeared so he just followed after me. I sat down on the bench and sighed as I buried my head in my hands that were resting on my thighs.

Surely it must have looked pretty worrying to Cloud because he approached me.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

I couldn't even look into his eyes of how ashamed I was for slowing time for just 'that'. I was freaked out by myself enough as it was.

"Y-Yeah.. I just need to rest for a bit." I said while I pretended to rub my eyes.

But to my surprise, he grabbed my hand that was "rubbing" my eyes which made me automatically look at him. And as soon as our eyes met, I felt the embarrassment getting the best of me again.

"Even though it's good to think of the worst to come. Don't use your sight for something as trivial as this." he said sternly.

His gaze was so intense that I was too busy being captivated in his beautiful eyes.

"Cloud and Yui, your match will begin shortly." the announcer interrupted our long stare.

And even though I tried my best to impress Cloud, it was the opposite for me. He was so cool...

We got to the ring 3 more times after that, securing 4 wins. And the once angry spectators were now our biggest fans, cheering for us so much. 

"This has never–! I can't believe it!"

"And the winners of the Corneo Cup– the deadly and dynamic duo, Cloud and Yui!" announced the once so against us moderator.

The ring was in a roar of applause and cheers. It was almost unbelievable that these people were so hateful towards us before.

We then retreated to our resting room. I was actually really excited over how this was to be done with.

"Well, now that it's done, we can go save Tifa!" I said with an excitement.

"So we'll head back to Madam M's, get you changed, and then it's off to Corneo's." he said firmly. 

I nodded happily, but there was a knock on the door which revealed Madam M.

"Sorry to be the bearer of the bad news.." she said with a frown on her face.

"But.. You still have one fight left."

"What do you mean?" I asked sadly.

She was walking around impatiently, "The crowd loved your show a little too much. People were placing hefty bets, much heftier than you can possibly imagine. Corneo's going to milk this for as much as he can." she continued.

"Meaning what?" asked Cloud with a slight annoyance.

"You face and defeat Corneo's fighter of choice, and only then you will be declared as the winners of the tournament." she was fanning her face quite furiously.

"But that wasn't the deal–" I tried to say, but didn't get to finish it with Madam M's sudden outburst, "Don't you think I know that!? AAAARGH!!!!!" she started to shout furiously.

"You greedy bastard! Scum-sucking piece of shit festering asshole!" she shouted so madly that it made me just stare at her in awe.

Cloud sighed at her absurd outburst that she was holding in.

"But that's the way it is. Corneo's the only one who makes the rules around here. But if you win, Corneo will have to accept your victory... And crowd will make sure he does." she started to fan her face calmly as if none of that happened before. 

"So this is the last one?" Cloud asked with an unbothered expression.

"I sure hope so." Madam M said with a sigh.

With that the room became quiet again. I felt myself being amused at how me and Madam M shared the same thoughts about Corneo, and it was a relieving feeling to have her by our side. 

Madam M looked at me in sympathy, but for some reason there was also a worry in her expression.

"And you, sweetheart.. You shall take this." she then handed me a bottle of something that seemed like a medicine.

I looked at her in confusion, "It might not look appealing, but it's to put an end to an exhaustion. Since I've made you come this far, this was the least I could do. Especially after seeing you having so many nosebleeds in the ring. You tried so hard hiding them, but nothing escapes my sharp eyes." she then smiled slyly.

I felt myself being moved by her actions, "Thank you, Madam.." I said with a smile.

She seemed to also smile sincerely, "Best of luck to you both."

After drinking her medicine, I felt a bit better, yet the exhaustion was still there. It only helped me regain a bit of strength. But the thought of Madam M to be this considerate of me truly moved me. 

𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖢𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖽 𝖮𝖿 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖯𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖾𝗍Where stories live. Discover now