Of bitter desolate flowers

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(Something a bit more depressing for Tayo, even though he isn't exactly wholesome- enjoy!)

The beautiful rays of sunshine that sparked the day where always in my mind from long ago, a golden hue that reminded me of the bits of heritage I could even remember from what I knew long ago, what was once me.

At least...before this place turned to a desolate wasteland.

Now it just reminds me of who caused the downfall of this place in the first place-

Me and my stupid existence.

Coming to this place every so often helped me recollect myself when I got too angry from society. It helped me blow off some steam as I looked to the destruction I caused and would reek again without any civilians. The dust and ash of old fire that filled the air and crunched beneath my feet. The broken buildings once painted in white, brown and gold, now muddied, distorted and covered in dried blood like paint. Walking to the dirtied pool to see the past images of decayed corpses and bones of civilians that once roamed the land.

Pathetic that people would go so far just to kidnap a few people, saying it was to 'maintain order'


There was nothing good left of the past at all.

Walking back to the ruins I could find trails in which I used to walk on, play on, when the city was in vibrant hue, all simply visions of what was here before as It reminded me of peace once given. There was nothing left of it. Not the gold-plated towns, nor the amber streets, the laughter of children or the calls of morning market.

Everything was gone.

Everyone gone because of me.

Kicking the rubble and sand a part of me wished to cry, yet could not. How does one cry after being drained of that by the countless whippings, the countless burns that lasted eons with no one to help? How does one cry for anything or anyone when it was their fault? That they decided to end out of nothing but rage?!

Yet.. thinking about it more I noticed the tears that built in the back of my eyes, tears of rage, not sympathy. Gently dripping down with no meaning as only to try and purify this rotten flesh of mine. There was no emotion, no empathy for me to give or anyone to give. With it I could only begin to smile bitterly and out of my throat, not a sob, but a laugh that began to churn deep in my gut. The only thing that felt good to me, was the insatiable laughter that boiled and came out like a roaring fire, one that people may call crazy, psychotic.

Yet whose fault is that really?

As I look to the wasteland of a sky that people, that I, used to know as beauty, the 'golden crescent' they called it once. It was now raised in ash, nothing but red and purple dusty hues of death.

"They deserved this; they deserve it." I could only whisper out.

"Why did they deserve it Yato?" A voice murmured in the distance and instantly I shot back to look in the direction, glaring at the name I so wanted dearly to forget.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" I scowled back to the direction, only to be confronted by a being of blue looking me in the eyes.

Oh brother...

"Bro what are you doing in this wasteland of a place?! Haven't seen you in a while!" I laughed at the being in blue only for them to scowl back at them.

"Don't bro me Yato... But I should ask the same of you. Why are you back here?"

"Can I not be in my old stomping grounds?! You don't control me; I can do what I want!" I retorted back to the words of this fool who viewed me in such distaste.

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