Nebula: Friendship

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(A bit late, but ye- This is for Halloween and was done more so off of a quick and random idea then as thought out as most of my writings tbh. I hope it's enjoyable non the less even if it's a bit different-)
(Happy Halloween!)

The moonlight shined across the town tonight, a sound of howls and whistles and laughter as the time of hallows eve has arrived. The time where monsters, ghouls..and ghosts are free to thrive.

Ghosts.. sometimes a thing I question if I am.

The kids are spending there nights turfing and partying, trick or treating and playing pranks. It's so lively and exciting. I remember the good old days of doing the same.

Well at least I can go and try to turf again.

Saving up enough money I was able to get a rental weapon for the night, a day cold enough for me to walk without disappearing a day safer then most of people were to see me- Or not see me in a sense.

Splatoween was upon us and I vested the shirt you must wear to participate in its splatfest. Tricks were never for me, so team treat I decided to go to. Wearing it proudly as I put my jacket away for a bit and put my cap away to display my googles.

Brush in hand I got to the stage, lucky that it was one of the normal ones, as I remembered to make sure not to get too excited, less I forget how to live. The players looked to me a bit oddly, smiling, probably because of my apparent age, they were younger than me as most of the older kids and adults usually disregard the event to party or wait for tournament season. I ignored them though and just prepared, ready to turf.

The sound of the whistle, ready for action as a took my course to turf as much as possible. Not to be cool, not to fight, but try as well as have fun. I will admit it can be scary, being targeted and unable to fight to my full potential, but it is what it is as they say.

The stage was ancho-v games someplace I haven't seen in a while, but I was determined, flicking the brush like I remembered to turf as much as possible, laying low and throwing a bomb here and there to help out the others. It was exciting to be on top but it was nicer to work as a team. The colors of orange and purple a spooky neon glow as the night continued and the seconds passed to time.

I swiped the brush here and there till it looked as if the approaching team got closer, orange rising into our base as they rushed in and my comrades tried to fight back. I stayed behind though, keeping safe and fighting as a nervousness grew in me, the words 'focus, keep it together' filled my head as I tried to assist in any way I could, going in from the side now to dart and try to hit from behind in panic before suddenly-


A spray of bright orange ink hit me from behind, a wave of panic as I looked to the one who shoot me, A girl with bright orange tentacles and googles of bright silver. In this panic a unstable flick of the brush led to my fall into the orange below. A quick death and slow respawn, I tried to get back up to help, but then the whistle rang.

It was over.

Looking at the map, it was clear we lost, but I was alright with that. It was fun. This was just the first match after all, not like the rest were going to get easier.

Game after game, splat after splat the night went on till I began to tucker out. It was almost time for me to pack up and leave, but I decided one more round couldn't hurt. I got my brush and went to the next battle-

A 10x battle-

It was scary to say the least, the people were excited as port mackerel was chosen. The feeling of edge as everyone was rooting to give it their all. It was nice but also terrifying as we got to the stage. The sounds a bit deafening at the exhaustion I already had. I kept on with it though and prepared for the fight.

The sound of the of the whistle, the pacing of feet and the rush of wind, inking with vigor as my team kept at it, keeping hidden and secure as I splashed the ink on the ground away from the enemy team for now, covering their ink while they weren't looking. It was tough hiding a few times to escape, but it was fun all the same.

The other team wouldn't quit though and the fight got fiercer with each second ticking down, my heart raced as I exhaled heavily from how much air I was intaking. It was a rush, but I knew I had my limits so quickly I went back into hiding, hiding behind one of the crates in the area to catch my breath.

"What are your doing hiding like that sir?" I heard, nearly wheezing from the sudden noise which startled me. Looking up as a backed away from a female inkling with orange hair and silver googles

The girl that splatted me in the first game.

"Sorry didn't mean to startle you there!" They said, giving me there arm to help me up which I hesitantly took, waiting for their reaction as most people questioned why they were so cold. However they didn't do such thing and instead smiled as they looked to me.

"Thanks.. but shouldn't you be splatting me? We are on the opposite team after all.." I responded quietly, giving them a small smile in response as they held their hero duelies in one hand.

"Nah, that wouldn't be nice if I just splatted an unaware opponent like that. Plus you looked a bit confused there so I was curious what you were up to." They said kindly, looking to me with gentle eyes as they also watched around the area.

"Oh,, I was just tired.. I'm alright now though-" I responded back calmly.

"That's good, best not overdo it I say." The chirped before backing away at what I assum was their team calling them. "Anyways I gotta go. It was nice meeting you sir!" The said before running off, leaving me to continue once more on my path, finding the encounter strange yet welcoming.

After a minute passed the whistle was blown as the ink was counted to determine the winner. A rush of anticipation from Borge teams as Judd and little Judd gave the final score.

Team treat one the fight.

It was nice, and everyone was excited at the points they just won for our side. The other team disappointed but congratulating our team anyways. I decided I had my fun and put my gear back on and returned my rental to walk back home.

As I walked back home I heard the pace of footsteps behind me, and an oddly familiar hello as someone approached me.
It was the girl with the silver googles.
She smiled at me and congratulated me on the win, and we talked for a moment on my way to the building about weapons and competive things, it was a sweet conversation till I made it back to the apartment.

"What's your name by the way sir?" They asked as they were ready to leave.

"My name is Nebula, though I usually go by Nebs now."

"Well it was nice talking to you Nebs, my name is Relu, Relu Hydris. It was nice talking to you." They said with a smile, "Hope we see each other again, maybe somewhere not in the battlefield."

"It was nice talking to you too. See you around." I responded, seeing them wave a goodbye and leave as I walked upstairs. I walked inside and laid on the floor, looking at the ceiling and letting my body fade a bit to keep my mind a bit more at ease. The day was fun and interesting. I liked getting to play turf war, if only for tonight. So I laid there in my thoughts, waiting for night to pass to day, on this Hollows Eve.

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