Chapter 1: A brand new start...

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A year has passed since the destruction of one of Frisks greatest inventions, the Super-Collider. Frisk's main goal with the Super-Collider was to try and go to an Alternate Dimension and to bring them to his own family to his Earth but little did he know, it was a big mistake and if it wasn't for the new Spider-Man and his crew coming in and destroying the deadly machine, God knows where they'll end up.

Ever since the Super-Collider has been destroyed by Spider-Man, his popularity has increased significantly by the media as well as the newspaper. Some companies have already created their merchandise just to thank him for his saviour. If you were a new person here from a different dimension and walk on the streets of New York, you'd be surprised to see how much of Spider-Mans face is everywhere. You'll see posters, advertisement and even clothing with his body of him in different designs and styles. Even popular people like SmalleyBigs and Taylor Thy Creation.

The anniversary of when Spider-Man saved city is coming up and the Mayor of New York is inviting the new Spider-Man to have a speech in front of the crowd and maybe if there's time, he might do a QnA at the end.

Inside a dorm room that's littered with papers and posters plastered all over on the wall consisted of two people, a normal human being and a spider human sleeping in their bunk beds. Their names are Ganke, the type of person who just vibes and lives life as any other human does, and the human spider is Miles Morales. Little do people know that Miles is LITERALLY the new Spider-Man that they talked about every day. The reason that almost everyone in New York doesn't know that he's the real Spider-Man is that he's been keeping it a secret. The only person that knows Miles as Spider-Man is Ganke, his one and only close friend in his dimension. It was due to an accident in their dorm that happened a year ago but according to Miles, he doesn't talk about it.

The sound of beeping never sounded so bad to Gank lives. It's as if the alarm clock was strapped to his ears for 10 hours. Ganke, who's on the bottom of the bunk bed, was stirring around trying to sleep a little more but couldn't because of the repeated beeping sounds coming from the alarm clock that's placed on the table next to him. Giving up on sleeping, he stood up in the middle of the room stretching getting ready for what the gives him. He looked up and noticed Miles still sleeping deeply not noticing the alarm ringing. Ganke pressed the button on the alarm clock for the beeping to stop, which he's finally glad about, and shook Miles gently to wake up. "Miles, wake up man. It's...", he checked to the alarm clock again to see the time. "It's three minutes past seven. You gotta get up now."

"Are you for real...?" He replied muffly with a hint of tiredness in his voice.

"Didn't you hear the alarm? It's was equivalent to a fire alarm."

"...Eh..." He managed to reply with his blanket now over his face.

"C'mon dude, let's get ready. Class starts at eight twenty-five." He said walking away and getting ready for form class. Miles can hear Ganke gathering all his necessities for showering and clothing. As soon Miles heard Ganke leave the room and the door shut, there was peace and quiet for the first time in forever. It's been a while since there was no sound. For like 3 months, Ganke's been talking to him about Spider stuff ever since he's been discovered as Spider-Man and still hasn't stopped to this day. "Yeah, I might as well get the day started I guess..." He told himself in his head.

Miles was walking down the hall with Gank on his right talking to him about an upcoming assessment for Physics. Apparently, he started on his introduction since he heard that it's almost similar to Term 1 assessment but unknown to Ganke, Miles wasn't paying attention to a word Gank was saying and was daydreaming. Miles can still feel the effects of fatigue and drowsiness with the lack of sleep last night with him looking down on the ground and walking slowly. The weight in his back because of how many books were in his bag didn't help either.

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