First Day Jitters

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Percy's POV

My beeping alarm clock makes me jolt out of bed. I sigh and turn it off. It's my first day of school. Yay (not.) I walk out of my room.
"Good morning Percy!" Mom says cheerfully. "Morning" I reply. "Are you ready for school?" my dad asks sipping his coffee. "Ummm I guess." I tell him. I eat the blue waffles my mom made me and head out the door.

Annabeth's POV

I wake up a 5am. Gosh that's early. It's probably because I'm so nervous for school. It's a brand new one, and I wasn't looking forward to transferring. I slip on my uniform, white knee high socks, and black flats. I'm ready-ish you could say...

My obnoxious step brother races to my room. "HEY ANNIE" he screams at the top of his lungs. I cover my ears. "Are you ready for schooooooooolllllllll.....?" he annoyingly questions. I roll my eyes and walk downstairs. "Someone's in a bad mood..." he mutters.

As a get to the kitchen I found out my step-mom is making pancakes. "Hey uhh... Mom. Can I have one?" I ask her. It never feels right to call her mom. My biological mom died when I was 3. I can't remember much about her, I just know she's better than the mom I have now. "These are for your brothers!" my step-mom laughs. It's not like I find it funny. She's always like them more. I guess because their HER kids, but still...

I grab a piece of toast and head out my door.

I arrive at my new school, Half-Blood High, named after the heroic children in Greek myths who were half-God half-mortal. I walk in, all eyes one me. Maybe because I'm new... Scratch that. All eyes on the guy behind me. He has messy jet black hair and sea green eyes. All the other girls are swooning over him. "Hey Perce" flirts a girl with caramel colored hair pulled into a braid. She wears a white sundress and gold heeled sandals. "Perce" replies with, "Listen, Callie, its over. We broke up last year. Let it go." I'm assuming she's his ex. She lets out a disappointed sigh and walks away.

I push up my glasses and put in my locker code. All my textbooks are in there and so is my schedule. "Let's see... algebra now.. Then science..." I mumble under my breath. "Oh cool I have algebra too!" says a voice from next to me. I jump up from the absolute shock. It's that one boy from the hallway. "Hey, I'm Percy." he says. "Annabeth." I reply.

Percy's POV

I can't help but think she's cute. Her golden blonde hair and storm gray eyes. "Umm... Earth to Percy?" Annabeth giggles. I snap out of it. She pulls her algebra book out and heads to class. I never thought I'd say this... but I think I may have a crush on the new and nerdy girl.

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