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Hi, oof where do I begin?
Well, first off as you probably know is that my name is Frost.
Currently I play the ukulele and I'm struggling to try and learn the piano (self tought with the power of the internet!).
I go to a vocal school in my hometown and I'm aiming to get a degree in music.
I've been writing poetry for as long as I can remember, I love being able to tell a story or express my feelings through text.
You could say that music is my passion since I was little. I grew up in a fairly musical family and could go days on end listening to my dad's old CD's or my siblings practising on their instruments.
I never went to music school though and I always regretted it. But even if I didn't, my school choir kept my music alive. I never was the kid that stood out much and I was okay with it.
But back in 2015, I wanted to do something new, so I asked my parents for a ukulele. That christmas I recieved my first and very own instrument. A beautiful wooden concert ukulele. I didn't put it down until I managed to play a song on it, it took me a few days and being a beginner it obviously didn't sound that good but I was so proud that I finally achieved the thing I've been wanting to do my whole life!
So I was graduating this school in less than a year and the teachers talked about the last assignment we could do what we want. We had a week to complete the project and show it's progress, going once a day to school and show the teacher you were assigned to the progress.
I chose to compose a song and write lyrics.
Since I already knew how to write poetry it wasn't that hard for me to write lyrics for that song.
The tricky part was to come up with a melody. It took a while but I composed my very first, full fledged song and I performed it in front of my entire school.
It was so nerve wracking back then I still remember how scared I was.
But music pulled me out of a fairly hard time and I will always come back to it to let out my insecurities.

A small disclaimer!!
Some of the lyrics and poems are very dark and emotional. You have been warned!

Poems and song lyrics by yours trulyWhere stories live. Discover now