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Bucky wakes up one morning after getting about 2 hours of sleep.
He wonders downstairs to get a drink,he opens the fridge and grabs a jug of icy water. Bucky pours it into a glass cup and turns around. Just as he did so he hears a loud knock on the door. he looks through the key hole to see a dark shadowy figure... Bucky slowly opened the door.

Natasha bardged in with wanda, bruce and tony following.
"what are you guys doing here?" bucky asks
"right so we have discovered a scientific project that happened last year. A person. With super speed , strength and stuff like that. The project happened in a brooklyn lab. Hes like a super soldier, but he was designed to help save the world from destruction. So we have brought him in. He is an avenger now."tony explained
" ok umm can i meet him? " bucky asks nat
" yeah, he should be at stark tower! "nat said

Bucky,wanda,natasha, bruce and tony arived at stark tower. Clint was waiting at the main entrance for nat's arrival.
" hey clint" nat says
"hey" clint says back
Bucky and everyone else walked inside. Bucky froze as this tall, blonde, cute figure with perfect teeth was stood in front of him.
"hey im steve, and you are?" he says to bucky.
"i- im.. Bucky, hi its nice to finally see you" bucky says practically drooling at the man before him.
"you ok?" bruce asks bucky
"uh yeah of course why wouldnt i be ok?" bucky asks nervously
"oh just because you have been staring at steve for like 2 minutes straight..." wanda interrupts.
"oooo do you havee feelings for him?" natasha teases
"what nooooo ive only just met him..." bucky lies.
Steve just nervously laughs at the whole situation.
"anyways, bucky seems as though you wouldnt mind... Steve needs to share someones room for a while!"nat suggests
" i- uhh yeah he can share my room for a while." bucky answers
whilst looking over to steve.
" uh yeah im ok with that"steve says. He winks at bucky then walks off.

It was now night. Bucky was in his bathroom and steve was in buckys bedroom. Steve was wearing some grey joggers and a tank top. And bucky was wearing some baggy black shorts and a tank top. They both got into buckys double bed and steve wrapping bucky up with a soft blanket. They both blush.
"hey steve..." bucky whispers.
"yeah bucky? That is what you want me to call you right. You dont want me to call you doll or anything?" steve jokes
"oh so you know im gay?" bucky questions

"ohhh yeah uhh you kinda made it obvious earlier when you were gazing into my eyes like nothing else nat told me;) "
"ohhhh are you gay?... Im sorry that was really strange" bucky says
"what nooo im not gay.... Ok i am gay" steve says back

They eventually fell to sleep.
Bucky woke up to strong arms round his waist, he slowly shuffled around to see steve was still asleep.
Finally steve had woken up. He saw bucky was in his arms...
"sh*t!" he shouted
"whats wrong?" bucky asks
"this is all going so fast, i met you yesterday and now i wake up with my arms wrapped around your waist..."he says softly
" i-uhh sorry" bucky apologises
"no, its not your fault. I shouldnt have shouted."steve mumbled
He pulled bucky into a hug. They stayed like that for a while.
Tony walked into the 2 of them hugging.
" i- ok so anyway we were going to go play 7 minutes in heaven with the other if you want to join us.. "tony asks the boys.
" uhh yeah sure we'll be down in a second" bucky says.
The two got out of bed and headed to the door of buckys room. They walked into the lounge area where
Sam, wanda, clint, nat Carol, valkyrie, loki, thor, jane, bruce, vision, pepper, quill, gamora, peter and mj were all sat.
Tony, bucky and steve all walked into the room...
Bucky and steve sat on the floor next to nat and wanda.
Tony had a bag full of objects that related to everyone playing the game.
"ok does everyone know how to play?" nat asks
"yeah" says everyone else
"ok lets get started, valkyrie you wanna go first?" nat asks
"uh yeah" she says back
Valkyrie walks upto the bag and pulls out a random object without looking. She pulled out a small green cube.
"right who does this relate to?" she asks tony
He looks at the sheet of paper next to him and saw that the green cube ment loki.
"loki" he says
Loki freezes at the sound of his name.
"what?" he asks confused
"uh valkyrie pulled out the green cube and that represents you, because of the tesseract. So you have to go into the empty wardrobe over there with valkyrie for 7 minutes." tony explained
"oh..." loki says
Valkyrie and him walk over to the wardrobe and get inside, shutting the door behind them.
"ok ive set a timer for 7 minutes, starting... Now!" clint says
The first few minutes were silent and awkward until loki pulls valkyrie into a kiss. Valkyrie kisses him back and then they hear the timer go off. Bruce opens the door and was surprised to see loki and valkyrie just breaking away from the kiss.
They stepped out of the wardrobe and sat back down.
Wanda was next. She walked over to the bag and shut her eyes. She pulled out a stone that was painted yellow.
"i guess this is vision?" she asks
"yeah" tony says glancing at the paper.
Vision and wanda step into the wardrobe but nothing happend , the timer went off and they came and sat back where they were.
Steves turn was next, he walked over to bag and dipped his hand inside. He pulled out a red star.
He looked over at bucky nervously
"that ones for bucky!" tony said excitedly
Bucky stood up and a him and steve cautiously stepped into the wardrobe.
Steve shut the door. He was staring into buckys eyes.
"we dont have to do anything if you dont want to" bucky says.
Steve puts his hands on the back of buckys neck and quickly pulls him to his chest. Bucky looks up at steve and steve leans in for a kiss. Bucky kisses him back passionately. Bucky was pressed against the wall of the wardrobe, steve was still kissing him. Buckys arms were around steves waist. Neather of them heared the timer go of and natasha quickly oppend the door. Her mouth fell open at the sight. She squeeled and everyone gathered round to see bucky arms around steve, they had just pulled away from each other to face everyone who was looking at them...
"oh god!" bucky shouts

~ gia 🧸

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