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After steve confessed how he felt to bucky, he couldnt stop thinking about if steve wanted to be more than friends already. Sure bucky wouldnt mind that but was steve taking things too fast.


i was a bit scared at the way steve shouted at me this morning. He did say that he loved me but did he mean it,after all he was still a bit drunk.
I walked upstairs to my room where steve was now layed on my bed with his head buried into a pillow. Occasionally i could hear a few sniffs and sobbs but other than that steve was silent for about 2 hours. I were painting at a desk on the other side of my room. Steve got up and tried to see what i was painting every now and then but i wouldnt let him look. Every time i just covered it up with another sheet of paper and then he would just flop back onto the bed and start sobbing once more.
The room was silent again.
"steve?" he asks
"yeah..." steve responds
"do you wanna do something fun instead of crying all day, because thats not going to sort things out" he tells steve.
"fine, just us tho!" steve says
"i promise " i tell him
"where do you wanna go?" steve asks me.
"how about the beach?" i ask
Steve just smiles.

You arived at the beach you both were just wearing swim shorts.

Seeing steve without a top on for the first time was amazing. His abbs were perfect and his tanned skin glowed in the sunlight.


Bucky was perfect in every way but I knew he couldnt have him.
Bucky's arms were muscular and he was tanned. His long black hair that blew in the wind.I wanted him so bad. 
We sat down on the dry sand and started talking.
"so..." bucky mumbled
"listen im so sorry for earlier i know i shouldnt have shouted and even though you probably dont believe me, i ment all of the thing i said, i love you bucky and i have since the first day we met, i just felt a strong connection with you and i was hoping you felt the  same. You probably dont though because im a idiot who can't control temper and you probably hate me now so please just tell me how you feel!" i rambled on.
" listen steve i do believe every word you said and im so sorry to i shouldnt have kissed loki back and i love you too steve, i would do anything for you. Your so perfect and kind and stuff i just-"
I quickly kissed buckys lips cutting him of from what he was saying.
" i- uh steve... w-what was that for? " bucky stutters
" i know i shouldnt say this but i want you so bad and even though we met like 2 weeks ago i just want to be able to call you mine!" i confess
"then call me your own because i want you too steve!" bucky says excitedly
Neather of us said anything we just staired into eachothers eyes.
Bucky puts his hands on the back on my neck bringing me into a long kiss.



they both pulled away from the kiss and softly looked at eachother. They both start giggling and steve stands up.
"race you to the water!" he shouts as he starts running.
Bucky quickly gets up and starts sprinting after him. They both made it to the water at the same time.
Bucky tripped into steves arms causing the two of them to fall.
Bucky fell on top of steve but as soon as he realised he got up. They both started laughing again and chasing each other around in the water.
Steve grabbed buckys hand and pulled him into his chest. He hugged bucky and kissed his four head.

The sun had fully set and the two were making their way back to stark tower. Bucky was at steves side and steves arm was around buckys waist keeping him close.
"wait so we we like uh date now?" steve asked bucky.
"if you want to start dating we can.."
"yeah that would be nice... Just promise not to tell anyone!" bucky says.
"ok i promise!" steve says.

They both walk into stark tower and nat was waiting at the door for them. She had saw steves arm around buckys waist.
"are you two dating?!?" she quickly asks
"what no!" bucky says.
"were not dating nat!" steve says
"come on guys it so obvious!" nat confirmed
"what no! No its not obvious!" bucky snaps
"HA So you are dating!" she confronted.
"whatever nat but dont tell anyone!" steve says
"dont worry i wont tell anyone!" she says.

Nat runs to wanda.
"WANDAAA! Steve and bucky date!" she yells
"wait what!!!" she screams
Everyone except tony gathers around wandas room.
"whats going on?" vision asks.
"ok im not supposed to tell you, dont tell tony but steve and bucky started dating!" nat spills
"omg when!" bruce asks.
"today i think!"
" NATASHA! IM GONNA KILL YOUUU!!! " bucky Screams walking into the room....

~ gia 🧸

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