Typical Gravity Zero

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The boy was slowly awakened by the sound of birds chirping and the sun's gently radiating light phases through the window onto the boys face. He would open his eyes to see everything, including his sleeping bag floating in the air as per usual. He would immediately get up and float across the furniture in his room until he made it towards the door. He wasn't phased by everything floating anymore, since it has been like this for a few years now and the world has figured out loop holes around this problematic occurrence. At this point, all he would have to worry about now is to not accidentally let go of the pole when he gets outside. Nevertheless, the boy slowly floated towards his bathroom to grab his clothes that were stuck in between the room's hanger. ''At first, it seemed like the end of the world when everyone and everything started mysteriously floating. However, this isn't too bad'' the boy thought to himself as he floated towards the kitchen to greet his mother that was cooking eggs and bacon with devices that were made shortly after the incident that had happen when this floating phenomenon first occurred. Businesses went wild when they figured out they could use this to their advantage and quickly started producing items that could be used to adapt to our current every day environment. Moreover, the government approved these items and passed laws that would come with this situation.  Plenty of people lost their lives on the dreadful day,  but the world is definitely starting to recover, the boy thought to himself until.. ''Eren, breakfast is ready!'' his mother shouted as she floated towards Eren to give him his bagged breakfast. Slowly opening the door, Eren would reach out for the pole on the ground and progressively start to pick up the pace as he went from pole to pole, making sure to not let go too quickly. He would eventually arrive closer to his school, where he would look around at how the world has changed. Objects of all kinds floating in the air, while the people with cash to spend ride on trains that have ropes connecting it to the ground. ''It sucks to be poor'' Eren states as he finally arrives at the school entrance with other students that took the same route as him.

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