Chapter 10

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During the day off Delphi went to The leaky cauldron for a few drinks until Dom was getting off. She stepped inside the pub and took her hood off. Of course, people in there recognised her, especially by the hair, and stared at her in different ways. Some in a friendly and welcoming way and some rather disgusted. Some in a... very uncomfortable way.

"Miss Lestrange", the bartender, who wasn't Dom, greeted once Delphi took a seat at the bar. "Anything for you or are you just here for your fiancé?"

"Both actually", Delphi said giving a laugh in response by the smirk on her face. "I'll have a firewhiskey shot and a glass of red wine."

The bartender nodded as Delphi prepared the payment, feeling it's better to pay directly instead of getting huge check later. The next second a filled wine glass and a shot appeared in front of her and half a second later the shot glass was empty.

"Rough night?" an unfamiliar voice asked.

Delphi turned her head and faced a young man around her age, looking rather attractive (according to anyone attracted to men) but also a little drunk.

"I'm having a day off actually", she said and turned her head back again not interested in talking.

"Ah", the young man said and shifted one seat closer to her. She knew where he was trying to go with this. "On a weekend. So are you like a teacher or do you study?"

Delphi took a sip of her wine. "Studying", she said coldly without looking at him.

"Delphi!" the voice of Dom came to save the day. She switched with the other bartender and leaned over to kiss Delphi. "I'm not supposed to do this while working but a couldn't resist."

Delphi smiled and was about to add a comment before the creep interrupted.

"Ah now I get it", he said in a cheerful and still hopeful way. "You're that type."

Dom sighed and turned over to him. "Yes we're a couple, we're both lesbians so no we do not welcome men for threesomes. So unless you want another drink you can move along now."

"I... yeah of course I knew that", the man lied.

"And my boss asked me to keep an eye on you", Dom continued. "She told me what you did last week and if you keep up that behaviour we'll have to ban you from visiting this pub ever again. Consider this a warning."

The uncomfortable smile faded. "Oh... well", he said and slammed the table with his fist, causing Delphi to jump even, before leaving his seat. "Like I wanted to be in this shitty pub anyway. Women are so fucking sensitive", he muttered on his way out before kicking the door closed.

Delphi looked at Dom still frightened. "Someone should keep an eye on him. Incase he does something outside."

"Don't worry", Dom said. "Hannah watches over the streets around. Now did he do something before I came?"

Delphi shook her head. "Just talked. Making me slightly uncomfortable but at least he didn't touch me."

"Yeah messing with you would be the last thing he'd want."

"You have no idea", Delphi smirked and took the final sip of her wine.

"Want a refill? Perhaps something stronger? I'll give you one for free."

"No need for that, honey. This place needs the money more than I do."

"It's just one drink. Consider it payback time for our dinner dates you paid for."

"That was payback for letting me stay at your place", Delphi protested and took a sip of her refill.

"And now you're letting me stay at the mansion you grew up in. I just want to give my fiancé a free drink."

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