Chapter 1, The End of a Reign

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Flickers of endless flame, a thing I have seen for countless years within my confinement of a destroyed world that I used to call home. The cold and burnt gravel beneath my form infused with collections of old and new weapons ranging from maces to swords to spears, all belonging to the undead who have tried to defeat me. My armor, burnt and charred remained on my body, a red tattered cape unmoving flowed from my shoulders to my lower back. I am slouched in a sitting position in front of a bonfire, one that contains the endless flame that I am forced to protect.

The sound of footsteps began to resonate within my ears as I prepared to prepare for a fight. I slowly rose revealing my 12ft form and began to pull on the sword that was within the fire, my own sword. With a tug, the orange tinted blade was free from its confine as I began to look towards my opponent. It wore bulky looking armor with a helmet shaped like a piece of food I had forgotten the name of. It weilds a long blade of steel with two points near the hilt, a small, round shield with a spike in the middle rested on its back.

I was 5 metres apart before it began to run, two hands on the great blade that rested on its shoulder, I began to charge aswell my blade in one hand as I ran towards my opponent. It heaved the blade over its shoulder as I dodged to the right, the blade hitting and scattering the gravel. I struck back swinging the blade horizontally to the left as it rolled out of the way before sticking me in the ribs with its own blade. I went for an overhead slash but it brought out the shield on its back being pushed back by the force of my strike, I continued to pressure it but it carried on blocking and dodging. After dodging again it struck me with its shield before striking me in the head with an overhead attack with its blade stunning me as I dropped to a knee. It began to wail on me as I was down delivering two handed strikes with its blade before I began to getup, when I stood at my normal height again I performed two backflips to get out of reach before bringing my blade across my chest pointing towards my left shoulder. I focused, thinking of my blade changing into a curved sword as a bright light appeared for less than a second as I brought the blade back down resting in its original place. The shape of it no longer straight as it curved towards the tip, I brought the blade back up the position it was just in as I cast a buff on myself, increasing my strength and causing my form to become covered in dark red flames. I charged once again to my opponent my speed faster than before, this allowed me to land a slash starting towards its left shoulder to its right hip another to its right shoulder to its left hip and one to its thigh. It rolled away from me as it drank form a yellow coloured flask, the wounds just disappearing as if it never happened. It ran towards me as I sliced at it again but it rolled forward and hit me in the shoulder twice with its blade before it rolled backwards. I had enough and plunged my transformed my blade back into its original form before plunging it into the earth, my opponent must have thought I had given up as it charged again only to be hit by a blast of fire as my form was covered in flames once again. Backed up, drinking from that flask as all the damage disappeared but I charged this time, my blade pointed forwards like a spear as I lunged at it. I caught it's shoulder leaving a scrape before I performed a five hit combo sending it flying backwards, but it just got up a drank form that damn flask before it grabbed some yellow dust and rubbed it on its blade. The dust lit up, before lightning surrounded the blade as it charged once more, I did a horizontal slash and overhead strike but it rolled out the way before plunging the blade through the small cracks in my armor piercing whatever remained of my skin before the lightning coursed through my body mainly my shoulders, upper chest, knees and head as the lighting found the metal to be a good place to rest. With all of that happening so quick my body spasmed before I fell to a knee where he pulled out the blade a began to wail on me once again, in a last ditch effort I summoned a sunlight spear and threw it to the sky where it split into multiple spears and fell but missed my opponent letting him deal the finishing blow that left me to fall down on the cold gravel. I felt my legs slowly disappear as it slowly progressed upwards  towards my hips. I knew what was happening for I had seen it happen to my opponents, so in my final moments I looked to the sky to see the dark sigil, within the sky before my vision faded.

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