Beginning of the end

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Author's note: Heads up, just some grammar mistakes; misplaced punctuation as well as some spelling errors will be here.  Please don't take my writing seriously.  This story is most likely going to be like the rest of my stories where I give up like halfway through and barely update then unpublish it out of shear embarrassment after year of two later.  I simply do this for the fun of it and just to get the creative gunk out of my brain to put in more creative gunk.  If you enjoy this, you enjoy this.  Have a 🍪. If you don't enjoy this and hate it, you hate it.  Have a 🍪. 

Japan Sinks 2020 does not belong to me nor do any of the characters in this anime.  All I own are my OCs and storylines for them.  (I know I don't have to put this here, but better to be safe than sorry, right?)

Anyways, Imma let you go now.  Bye~

P.s: not sure if this particularly counts, but there is mention of some gore in this chapter.  So just a heads up. 


✿~•°•°• Author's perspective °•°•°~✿

Strands of leather black hair can be seen bouncing in the air among a crowd.  The sunlight beams on a lilac hairpin shaped like a crescent moon.  Warm ivory skin glistens slightly due to the sweat from all the running.   "Gotta get home, Gotta get home, Gotta get home, Gotta get home!!! Sorry! Excuse me! Coming through!" Swiftly dodging the obstacles of people in her way.  A young teen, Hideyoshi Ruriko, sprints her way home.  It's not like there was anyone nor anything important waiting for her at home.  She only wants to get out of her uniform and lay in bed with no disturbances.  Plus she'd forgotten her phone, with no source of transportation as well, she's forced to run on foot.  So it was quite serious to get home quickly. 

Ruriko's eyes widened of joy and relief seeing her home's structure, "Finally!" Coming to a stop at her house gate.  Panting heavily, might I add.   Her tired eyes drifts onto the mailbox before quickly widening again, "Mom's letter!!" She exclaimed in realization.  Newfound energy refill her body.  She enters through the gate and door.  Those onyx orbs searched her kitchen table whilst she struggles to take off her shoes. 

Until suddenly strikes an earthquake as she still stood with her foot in hand. 

Pictures of her and her parents starts falling off the walls; lighter objects tumbling or collapsing; furniture moving slightly; and her body plummets to the wooden floor.  Deducing this earthquake as a possible level 4.  Going by her survival instincts, she immediately goes under the kitchen table.  Bringing her knees close to her chest while waiting it out, feeling scared.

With an entire minute gone by it had finally come to a stop. 

Although it may have seemed over, deep down something tells her otherwise.  It calls out louder, and louder, and louder.  It eggs her on to follow its orders.  Reluctantly, she obligates to it.  Running quickly to her room. 

'Maybe I should tell dad about the earthquake before he finds out and gets worried.' her hand reaches in her empty pockets before mentally facepalms herself, 'Oh, that's right, I left it here...' She sighs in annoyance towards herself.

"At least it'll be charged." She mutters to herself. 

Ruriko remains uneasy as the calling never decreases one bit.  She knew it won't stop unless she does what needs to be done.  Hearing both her heartbeat and breathing accelerate whist she glances at her closet door.  Trembling with her stomach sending an uncomfortable sensation. 

Japan sinks 2020 (Oc insert)Where stories live. Discover now