Farewell Tokyo

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✿~•°•°•° Third person point of view •°•°•°~✿

Tossing and turning through the night, quietly breathing heavily, clinging onto her bag tightly, Ruriko struggles to get an ounce of sleep.  How could anyone?  A number of bodies suddenly plopping in front of your eyes, knowing you're sleeping right under more of those bodies, and the echo of everyone's screams lingering in your head.  She knew this very day, more like event, will forever stay in her mind.  She wasn't even sure therapy would help her.  That is, if she were to survive to even receive it. 

Holding close to her heart, she clinches onto the hairpin tight enough to not break it. 

One method her dad told her was to use good memories to get rid of the bad ones.  Her eyelids tightly closed to look into the past.  Remembrance of her father and mother's voice echoes replaced the screams in her mind, the rhythm of her heart beat began to slow down.  Picturing a brightly lit room full of nothing but her most fondest memories.  Soothing away the fear, looks back with her mother comforting her whenever she'd have nightmares, especially with her humming a sweet melody.

Slowly, but surely, Ruriko was finally able to drift off to sleep.  A tear streaks down her face.  She could almost feel her mother's warm embrace as she hums the melody while stroking her fingers through Ruriko's locks.

~ Timeskip to morning~

A very small eruption woke up everyone from their dreamless slumber.  An explosion cause slight panic for most people, including (Y/n).  It was stated a factory has just collapsed not too far off.

(Y/n) instantly grabs out her phone see to see more missed calls and texts from her father. 

D: Ruriko!?!

D: What happened?!

D: Ruriko!

D: Ruriko!

D: Ruriko please answer me!

D: I need to know you're ok!!!

It pings her heart to see his texts.  They kept going and going.  It was obvious he hasn't slept through the night without leaving a message every 5 minutes.  None of her family did.  Overwhelming fear flows through her mind and body.

The people around her weren't helping either, for most were murmuring about a post about Japan possibly sinking.  There's been debates to whether it was true or not.  Especially after watching a video of Okinawa sinking.  She too received a notification of the video from a YouTuber she's subscribed to, KITE.

"Alright listen up! Everybody needs to move out! If you're prepared to go, please spare a moment to help others pack up! We should all help each other!" Mr. Mutoh shouts out for all those who chose to listen. 

With a heavy heart, Ruriko slowly puts her bags back on.  Her legs were a bit sore from yesterday, but she knew it was time to suck it up.   She places the hairpin to hold up her side bangs, while helping those who'd let her, then starts to head down the mountain with everyone else. 

✿~•°•°•° Ruriko's perspective •°•°•°~✿

We've been walking for quite a while.  Seeing all these broken down buildings; broken roads; more trails of bodies.... It all just kept going.

'Maybe I should've listened to my gut and taken dad's offer on going to America with him.....maybe mom was right, America could have been a better country to live in.'

The crowd stopped walking when they noticed the fork in the road.  Now the question is: which way should we go? West or East? 

That's when, conveniently, my gut starts to scream out on going West.  Well, it was either that or I was just starting to get hungry.  Either way I needed to follow it or else I'll deeply regret it later.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2022 ⏰

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