Chapter 17: Can't Wait Any Longer

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** Maddie's P.O.V. **

We were at the same restaurant as yesterday and ordered the same thing we had before. Nathan and I just talked about random things before he excused himself to go to the bathroom. I laugh as he does a little dance before running to the restroom. He had way more energy than I thought he would. I mean, I knew he had a lot of energy since he was always dancing and running around on the stage, but I didn't think he was this hyper.

I was sitting at the table, waiting for my food, when I hear a voice behind me.

"Maddison, right?" I turn around to see the guy from the plane and the waiter from dinner the other night, Ryan, smiling at me.

"Yeah." I say. It wasn't until I saw he had on a uniform that I realised that me and Nathan were at the same restaurant as the other night. I'm pretty slow sometimes, as you can see.

"Where are the others?" He asks.

"At home. Sleeping." I tell him.

"You're with that guy you were sitting by the other night. I thought you weren't dating?" He says, raising an eyebrow.

"We are now."

"I see. And do the others know?"

"I don't think that that's any of your business."

"It's not. I just want to know."

"Well you aren't going to."

"They don't, do they?"

"I said that it wasn't any of your business."

"I knew it. And I'm going to tell them." He says, smiling coldly.

"No!" I say, almost jumping out of my seat. He looks at me, not saying anything, and I know that he wants something. "What do you wa-" I start to ask, but Nathan interrupts.

"I'm back! Did you miss me?" He asks, smiling. He then notices Ryan and his smile fades as he sees things were serious. "What's going on?" He asks.

"Ryan wants to tell the guys." I say, standing up. "He knows."

"How?" Nathan asks.

"Good question." I say, then turn to Ryan. "How do you know?" I ask him.

"It's obvious." He says after a moment. He had to think about it, but I didn't think that mattered.

"He wants something." I tell Nathan.

 "What is it?" He asks Ryan. I could tell he wasn't that scared about the guys being told, but he was tense, like he was scared about something else.

 "I want her," he points at me, "to go out with me. Just one date. For the whole night." He says.

"No." I immediately say. I didn't want to trust this guy and I didn't want to know what he would do to me if he got me for one night. I didn't even want to think about it.

"Then I'll tell the guys." He says simply.

"There has to be another way." Nathan says, putting his hand on my waist. I inch closer to him, not wanting to be around Ryan anymore. I didn't like this guy and I had a bad feeling about him.

"I'll have to think about it." Ryan says. I feel Nathan relax a little.

"Ryan! You're needed at table two!" Another waiter calls to Ryan.

"Okay!" He calls back. "Bye, Maddison." He smiles coldly and walks away.

"I do NOT want to be around him alone." I tell Nathan.

"I know. We'll find out a way to make it through this. If the guys found out that we're dating, I don't think we'd ever hear the end of it. But I'm willing to tell them if that creep is going to." He tells me, turning me around to face him.

"Okay." I say. "But what if we end up having to tell them and they get mad that we didn't tell them sooner?" I ask as Nathan sits me down.

"We'll cover that when we get there." He says, sitting down himself. "But everything is going to be all right." He assures me, smiling. I smile back. I believed him. No, I trusted him.

The whole time we were eating, Nathan kept looking around for Ryan, but he was nowhere to be seen. He paid for the food and we walked back to the car, hand-in-hand. Ever since our conversation with Ryan, he's been staying close to me. Almost like he wanted to protect me.

Now at home, I open the front door and go in the house, Nathan following. The guys seemed to still be asleep, so we sat on the couch together. I turned on the TV and some movie I've never heard of was on. I turned it on at the perfect spot because that was when some guy fell down the stairs. I laughed so hard because the guy looked a lot like Jay and it seemed like something Jay would do. I wouldn't be surprised if he has before, to be honest.

"You're so cute." Nathan says, smiling at me. 

 "Sure I am." I say. I've never considered myself cute or even the least bit pretty, but everyone says I am. They must be blind or really good liars.

"You are!" He says. He pulls me onto his lap and starts tickling me. How he knew I was ticklish, I didn't know. Maybe he just guessed, but either way he was tickling me and I couldn't breathe.

"Stop it!" I laugh. "Nathan Sykes, I swear to God, stop!" I shout in between laughs.

"I'm good." He says, laughing and clearly enjoying himself. I try to get up but I can't. Once again, he was too strong for me.

 "I have to pee!" I say. I didn't really, I just wanted him to stop tickling me. If I had to, I was willing to smack him over the head with a lamp if that would make him stop. I felt like I was going to die right then and there. Imagine that, a headstone carving that says I was tickled to death.

"You do? Honestly?" He asks, still tickling me.

"Yes!" I lie. He lets go, I jump up, stick my tongue out at him, and run up the stairs.

"Liar!" He shouts, chasing after me. I get up to the top of the steps and run down the hall and into my room. I lock my door behind me just as Nathan tries to open it.

"Let me in!" He shouts.

"No!" I laugh.

"Please? I won't tickle you, I promise." He says.

"Do you really promise?" I ask.


"Really, really, promise?"

"Yes, I do. Let me in before they eat me!" He says, acting like we were in a scary movie. I unlock the door and let him in, laughing.

"You're messed up." I tell him.

"Thank you." He smiles. "You know it's been about fifteen to twenty hours since we last kissed." He says andsteps closer to me. I back up and he comes closer. We do that until I was against the wall and before I could move out of the way, he puts his hands on either side of me and puts his face close to mine.

"I can't wait any longer." He whispers before kissing me.



   Hopefully soon, all of you reading will know what Ryan wants- it kind of depends on how long my sister will let me on the computer before she kicks me off. Cooments/Votes/Fans are appreciated :D

              -Chelsea xx

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