Arc 1 trailer.

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For years, I have read about humanity evolving and learning in times.

From being apes to building, write books, make peace, inventing, and many more.

Along the way, they had to deal with battles and plagues across the world.

Including an invading Conversion Empire, in which they needed assistances.

Luckily for the humans, the gods and deities descended to combat the Empire.

Despite having many losses on both sides, the Conversion Empire has finally fallen.

After the war, peace has come to the world for everyone.

However, it would some come to a shock when the gods & deities has vanished.

They try to find them, but with no luck on evidence or traces.

Years since the war and the disappearances, some humans felt a bad omen.

Especially me when we need to keep our will strong against this bad feeling.

One where humanity has to face in the future.



This looks bad, the weather channel did say there wasn't any rain today.

Yet why is there a small grey cloud near the city? Something's not right.

"Mr. All-Might sir!"

"Yes, what is it?"

"The Union Council requests you at the meeting at once."

"Very well, I'll be there in a minute."

I do hope this bad vibe feeling is just playing tricks on me.

Or perhaps this is something else I better be prepared for soon.



15, 21, 30, dammit this doesn't look good.

"Any progress of finding more survivors?"

"We're working on it Ms. Summer Rose."

"What about the evidence? Villains or mercenaries?"

"Not quite ma'am, we haven't searched for them leading to any villains, tribes, or mercenaries. My theory is that it possibly happened in one of the houses, but I can't find out on who or what could've done this destruction."

Hmmmm, there's too much damage to look for anything. Time to go make a call.

"Continue to investigate, I'm going away to inform a few of my old friends.

"Yes ma'am!"



"Fire Style; Fire Ball Jutsu!"

"Earth Style; Spike Shockwave Jutsu!"

"Water Style; Water Dragon Jutsu!"

Jeez, even with our attacks, this thing won't go done without a fight!


"We can't let it touch us. Any plans Lady Tsunade?"

"I'm working on it!"

We need to keep it contained before it can escape! Where's the team-

"You'll pay for messing up my home, Wind Style; RasenShuriken!"

"No wait Naruko, don't go in up close!"




I can't believe it, why now of all the days?

"You mind repeating that again?"

"It's like I reported high leader Sienna, Adam Taurus has vanished?"

"How can that be?! He was suppose to not leave his position! What happened?!"

"W-We're not sure your highness. My squad were to assist on stealing another shipment container from Atlas, but for some reason a fog appeared in the distance and we lost contact with Adam and his team during the heist."

Uuuugh, one bad news to another, it's time to make a plan.

"Send a message to the Belladonna, I need to speak with them."

"As you wish your high leader Sienna Khan."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2021 ⏰

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