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Yo! Thank you so much for checking out this story. If you want to just skip this part and get right into the story, feel free to do so. However, I hope you're willing to stay on this part to read my thoughts.

First off, if you're interested in supporting my work, you can do so by clicking here I know it's a little scummy to have a donation page set up, but I promise you that it is free of obligation! I'm not going to jump out of your screen and attack you for not doing so, but it is super appreciated if you do.

Supporting my work means that I can save up enough to pay for editors and whatnot. It also helps me out because I can devote more of my time to working on new content for you all.

I'm also planning on making a Patreon where I can offer cool stuff and whatnot after I reach a certain number of followers so... follow me maybe? :3 I want to make sure there's interest before I put in the work of offering exclusive content.

With that out of the way, I bring you to Tahiti. This was originally written for a science fiction challenge in which I was tasked to make a science fiction story using a post-apocalyptic environment. I originally thought of combining the two as difficult until I was inspired with the plot of this story thanks to a little help from my psychology class. The main idea for this story came from an exercise I had to do in class where everyone closed their eyes and the professor read us a few lines where we would imagine ourselves on a remote island. It's supposed to be a meditation method and it actually works out pretty well. I definitely recommend trying it sometime if you're ever stressed and need a happy place to retreat to.

The original timeline for this story to be written was three weeks due to the demands of the challenge, so it's not as expansive as some of the other stuff I'll be posting in the near future. However, I think this is a good "primer" for some of the longer stuff that you'll eventually be seeing on my profile. If you really like my style of writing, I'm sure you'll really like my future stuff.

As a quick disclaimer, all of my works are pre-written and finalized prior to posting. This means that by the time you see the first part, the story is already complete and revised. I prefer this method as opposed to the "post as you go along" method that some writers on here use because it's the best way for me to ensure the highest quality of content. With that said, as much as I genuinely appreciate any ideas or suggestions for future chapters, I won't be changing the plot or adding any chapters upon request because the story is already finished. If and when I rewrite the story (which is unlikely due to my overload of ideas but...), I'll be super happy to accept any feedback on how I can make the story better.

However, if you have any thoughts or opinions about the story, please comment! I really like reading what people have to say about my content, and I'll be sure to respond to as many comments as possible. While you're at it, please share this story with a friend if you have the chance. Getting known on here is pretty dang tough and I'm really wanting to make a name for myself as an author. >///<

Thank you for reading and enjoy the story!

Tahiti (Boy x Boy)Where stories live. Discover now