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They say first impressions were supposed to be the best they could be.

That definitely was not the case inside the TARDIS at that moment.

Jessie Nightshade fumbled around at the console, trying to find a way to stabilize it when she heard a yelp from by the door. "Jezebel!" the Doctor shouted as he flew out the door.

"Kasterborous!" she yelled, running over to the door to see him dangling by his fingertips, almost quite literally, as he tried not to fall, his sonic screwdriver clenched in his teeth. She looked up, and her eyes widened when she saw what they were headed for. "Oh, by Odin's mother," she groaned, running back to the console and making a few changes. The TARDIS swerved, just in time to avoid the Parliament Clock Tower, then ran back to haul the Doctor up.

They closed the doors behind them and sank down, before they looked at each other and burst out laughing, only laughing harder when there was a bang and they were catapulted in many different directions.

It was always entertaining after regeneration!


"Dear Santa," a redheaded girl prayed as she knelt by her bed, her voice a Scottish accent. "Thank you for the dolls and pencils and the fish. It's Easter now, so I hope I didn't wake you, but honest, it is an emergency." She looked over fearfully at the huge crack in her wall, almost a V shape. "There's a crack in my wall. Aunt Sharon says it's just an ordinary crack, but I know it's not, because at night, there's voices, so please, please, could you send someone to fix it? Or a policeman. Or a - "

She broke off, hearing a weird wheezing sound outside, then a huge crash. "Back in a moment," she said, grabbing a torch nearby and running to the window.

She pushed back the curtains, and her eyes widened when she saw the garden shed destroyed, a blue public call police box on top of it. She grinned. Just what she needed! "Thank you, Santa," she whispered before she grinned and ran outside.


Hope the prologue suits well with you for now! :) First impressions on Jessie? Her interactions with the Doctor? They're all positive . . . FOR NOW. }:) I promise flirting up ahead, but I also promise some very rough patches . . . *cough cough* Trenzalore! But I promise, I will do my best to make you love the 11s as much as I know you all loved the 10s . . . hopefully I make you love these two even more, but I know that's a long shot. It'll still always be the 10s for me, too. They were my guinea pigs. :P Hope you're looking forward to seeing them in "The Day of the Doctor" . . . in approximately four books' time. :P

I will warn you, all of you Amy fans, Jessie's attention is going to be going to Rory for this series. I always just felt that Rory was sort of under Amy, just like Mickey was for Rose (although Mickey gets it extremely rough in "Apocalypse Rising") and Jessie is going to be that little cheerleader for Rory like the Alchemist is to Mickey in her series. Sound good to you all?

And now that everything's finished, we're back on our normal updating schedule! I'll get "The Eleventh Hour" up on here, then do "The Runaway Bride" for Apocalypse Rising, then "The Christmas Invasion" for The Creators Saga, and we're of and running!

So let's get going! :D "The Eleventh Hour" is in the works, and I can tell you, I'm loving it. :) We've got a bright future for the new new new Time Lords ahead!

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