Chapter 6

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Corn decided to stay over Peg's house for the night!
Peg: Are you all ready for bed?
Corn: Yup, are you?
Peg: Yes!
Peg was just about to shut off her phone, but then, she got a text from a number she didn't recognize!
Peg: I just got a text from an unknown number!
Corn: What does it say?
Peg: It says, "He belongs to me, and you know that! I really hate you right now!"
Corn: That has to be Peyton!
Peg: That's what I'm thinking!
Corn: But how did she get your number?
Peg: I have no idea! Should I write back?
Corn: I wouldn't!
Peg: Yeah, I agree!
Corn: Well, I don't want you to worry about it, ok?
Peg: Ok!
Corn: Let's go to sleep!
Peg: Yeah, I'm tired!
Corn gave his girl a soft kiss on her forehead!
Corn: Goodnight, My Princess!
Peg: Goodnight, My Prince!
Peg gave her love one last kiss on the lips!
Peg: I love you, Baby!
Corn: I love you too, Sweetheart!

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