Chapter 5

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Levi's PoV:

"AW, HELL NAW. Ya see, Levi- bro, Eren here is hella gay too."



"Isabel!!" Said girl laughed, clutching her stomach and falling off the counter top. Eren was looking down at the floor, face getting redder and redder.

Now, for me, this was very exciting news. In my short and miserable life, it makes me very very happy to find out that the guy that I've been spying on (and maybe crushing) from the back of the classroom is actually gay; I actually have a chance.

Seriously, how many good looking boys do you come across and is gay. The Gods have clearly spoken. This boy will be mine... In the less creepiest way possible.

I cleared my throat awkwardly and looked back up at Eren, feeling my face heat up slightly. "So, Eren. You're gay, huh?"

He fidgeted from where he was standing, shifting his weight from one foot to another. "Y-yeah..."

I chuckled and reached up to ruffle Eren's hair, a thing I rarely did. He seemed to squirm under my touch, but accepted it anyway. After ruffling that ever-so-soft, chocolate brown hair, I looked up at him, feeling a small smile plaster itself on my face. "Say, Eren. Want to come with us to Hanji's?" He gave me a quizzical look, and I sighed. "Uh, Hanji Zöe? Wild and messy browny, red hair and glasses? A little on the crazy side."

Eren's face returned back to it's normal state, and his eyes widened a little. "Wait, is she really good at Science? As in, really good?"

"Yeah, apparently." Eren seemed to realise and I mentally facepalmed at how stupid this kid was. Seriously, does he ever pay attention during his classes?? Apprentely not.

Eren replied in the next few seconds, needless to say I was surprised that he agreed to go. "Eren," I say.

"Hm?" He answered, as he locked up the front door to the shop.

"You did know you're going into a car, with a guy you just met for the second time and ound out he's gay and go to one of your classmates house, whom you've never spoken to before... Right?" I unlocked the car, swiftly sat in the drivers seat and turned around to see Eren putting in his seatbelt. I chuckled, "You do realize this is dodgy."

He replied back with a shrug, "Normally, I don't. But since I know Isabel here, I think I'm safe."

I turned back around to face the front and turned on the ignition of the car, "I see."

I pulled out of the parking space, wary of other drivers, and concentrated on the road ahead.

After a while of the faint sound of Isabel's music (I swear to God, if I hear any more One Direction remixes, I could kill someone), and quickly glancing at Eren through the rearview mirror (who was half asleep and looking out of the window), I turned on the radio.

I'm not usually interested in what the hell goes on in this shitty government, but hearing people getting raped, killed, abducted and abused pisses the hell out me. Yet, I still turned on the damn radio.

"It's 3:35, and you're listening to Heart Radio. What's the news today?" A male voice sounded, soon replaced by a female voice. "Today it's said that the famous actor, Erwin Smith, has been asked to play a part in one of the latest productions. The famous actor for 'Captain America', says that this will be a "very fun, and different experience." The show 'Attack on Titan' will air in 2016."

My eyes widened and I abrrubtly stopped at a red light, from surprise and driving instincts. I glanced at Eren again through the rearview mirror to see him looking back at me. "Did you just...?" He pointed to the now quiet radio, and I nodded slowly.

"Yeah..." I raked a hand through my hair and tapped at the steering wheel. So 'Captain America' is going to be playing in the show, huh? Maybe that's why the director hasn't been around lately...

"Holy Crap, Man! This is amazing! Captain America is going to be in the same cast as me!!"

"Be careful there, kid. You don't want to lose a limb or two." I watched Eren through the mirror and I couldn't help but smile. The kid look genuinely excited and, I don't know, I was happy that he was happy.

I shook my head, and slapped my cheeks lightly with my hands, groaning inwardly. This Eren is going to be the death of me. I looked back up at the stop light, quickly zooming away once it turned green.

Isabel was asleep, drooling onto her hoodie. If she gets any of that saliva on the seat, she's never going to come into my car ever again.

"Hey Levi?" I heard Eren ask, dragging me out of the thoughts of what products I had to buy if Isabel does end up getting any fucked up germs on the seats. I answered with a "Hm?", indicating that I was listening. "Have I seen you somewhere before? I don't know if you go to the same college as me, but yeah. Sorry if it's... Yeah."

I chuckled, partly because of how socially awkward Eren is and how cute it can be, and also partly because he really is oblivious to what happens around him in class. Typical. "Yeah, I'm in your French, Classics and Literature, Music and Art classes."

"What, really?? I feel really stupid now... Wait, did you say you do French? So you're the Levi that Madame Joseph was talking about?" Eren asked. Stupid brat, but what was the teacher talking about me for??

"Yah, brat. But what did Madame Joseph say??" I asked, turning a corner into Hanji's street.

"Oh. I was sort of failing that course, so she used your work as an example. Your notes are really neat, did you know that? Anyway, after using your work as reference, I became better at French. This is awkward as hell but, thanks." His voice trailed off and he fidgeted in his seat.

"Hah, no problem brat." I smirked, watching Eren glare at me from the corner of my eye.

"I'm not a brat!" He huffed.

"You are." I said in a sing-song voice. This guy was so easy to tease.

"I'm not!"

"Are too." 

"I'm not!!"

"I'm not!"

"Are too... DAMN YOU." I laughed, just before we pulled into Hanji's drive way.

I saw Eren blush from the corner of my eye, and I pondered on the thought why he was. I'll ask him later... Maybe.


Aaaand that's Chapter 5!! Sorry it's a filler-y kind of chapter TTnTT

Aaaanyway, thank you so so so so much for 150+ reads!!

You have no idea how much all your comments, votes and reads mean to me :') Thaaaank you!

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