Part 2 : Shooting down hope

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Word Count: 1188 | Fuck it, I'm done with this. I've been so iffy about fucking up chapters which is why I've procrastinated so much on this.

I'll just go by it slow.

Sam fell to a shaking knee, using his stronger hand to support himself furthermore as he huffed himself into a hunched position, nearly falling forward onto the ground.

"Of all times to fall behind Steve," he muttered to himself, speaking through bloodied, clenched teeth. The taste of bitter metal made his stomach clench as he felt an uninvited drop of it travel down his gullet.

"I swear," he sneered, spewing out a mix of goupy scarlet and spit, spitting to the side to rid himself of the possibility of swallowing yet another sample of the pungent taste.

He tried to stand, shaking his head in the process as he mentally pushed himself up, knowing well enough that every second he spent down was one against his favor.

He wanted to rise up and continue to fight, but the weight of his body had become unbearable to withstand on his right leg,

'Damn it, I can't just lay here,' He reminded himself as he released a heavy heave, placing down his two hands onto the ground to try to push himself up.

But suddenly, he felt pressure land on his back, making him stop. It was only an instant but he felt someone step over him.

Trailing his eyes up before him, he saw the young (h/c) haired woman leap up, having used him as a footstool to reach farther heights. Her two hands clasped together high up above her, fingers interlocked and forearms touching one another.

She descended onto the winter soldier, her elbows falling right on the crown of his head, both her own strength and the pull of gravity working in her favor.

With her successfully executed double elbow chop, she made him fall back, this time staying stunned longer than he had been before.

She immediately turned to her injured teammate, making way towards him with haste. After helping him stand on his two feet, she decided to back him up on a thick, old tree stump, safely placed away from what would be their fighting ground.

Throughout it all she was deathly silent, her lips pressed tightly together in a manner where one would assume they'd been super glued shut,

'Now," She thought to herself. 'Now I have to keep him away from Sam. For the time being, I'll make sure he stays here,

He won't have a chance to run away.'

With a rapid whirl, she whipped back towards the steel-eyed man, letting his flying heavy boot go right past her, the straightforward kick being countered as she evaded it, responding back with a brisk chop to his jugular.

'Use everything you've learned,' She instructed herself.

Having been successfully struck right at his throat with such a brute strike, he was left hacking, his right hand flying up to his throbbing neck to hold it.

His eyes then snapped to hers with icy frost, and while animosity showed within their depts, he coiled back, distancing himself from her.

' Don't let you're guard down,'

Despite his act being one of retreat, she wasn't foolish enough to take it as a submissive reaction from his part. Her body's rigid stance remained unchanged, unwilling to slump, knowing that just one slip up could be a fatal mistake for her.

She was also wise to not get overzealous simply because he inched back, knowing he was watching her with slitted eyes, waiting in the same fashion a viper would before spewing its toxic venom.

He glared at her venomously, bothered by her mere existence.

She bothered him so much, fleeting like a rat from his claws each time he pawed at her, and what was much more aggravating, coming back only to pester him.

His eyes had landed on her, harboring both hate and malice, promising revenge. And just as he did, he noticed one of the weapons strapped to her side, eyeing it with a plan in mind as he strutted forward.

She hadn't been stupid enough to go after him while drawing back so he had no choice but to challenge her straight forth.

'Here he comes,' She prepared herself, throwing a false right jab to distract him from her strong left hook.

She had went to give him a left hook, but stared wide-eyed as he caught it in his hand, spinning her to press her back to him.

A tremor went through her, having been caught in his hold, held securely towards him by having his right arm pressed to her neck in a choke-hold.

He scrunched his nose smelling nothing but slaughterhouse coming from her, the sick copper scent traveling up his nostrils.

" Disgusting," he sneered with repulsion, tasting it while he inhaled more.

She struggled, hitting his sides with her jutted out elbows, all while her chin desperately tried to sneak its way through the crook inside his elbow to tuck itself in and stop the effects of his strangle.

'he's so freaking big,' she thought, feeling stupidly immersed in the fact that his arms were full of only muscle, which was all to his advantage.

She was aware that if she wasted too much time he'd suffocate her to death.

'I've gone through this so many times,' She thought with reassurance, having the upmost belief in her ability to slip out of his grip.

She steadied her stance, making sure to place her feet where they needed to go in order to free herself.

'Here we go!'

Pivoting her whole body forward in the direction of his aggressive, right arm, she swung her outer leg, into a solid 180-degree turn.

Having executed her counter with good leverage, she placed the full weight of her body on his attacking arm, digging her nails into his clothed elbow in a fierce hold whilst gliding her left hand up to his wrist.

Pushing his elbow upwards and his wrist down she took him off balance, making him fly back to the ground.

"Stay down," she warned him, her voice tart and sour, spoken with authority.

He was off his feet, placed at a good distance from her as well, making her relieved, knowing that all she needed to do was keep him there.

'If I stay here, and have him restrained,' she started while her hand reached down to her gun to subdue him.

But she felt nothing in her grasp, only empty air. Her eyes widened as she realized what the lack of weapon on her person meant.

An imaginary cold, clawed finger dipped down her spine as she withheld her breath, soon after feeling a burning heat wedge itself within her abdomen, making her involuntarily cry out in pain.

'Oh Fuck...' She thought to herself, ( e/c) colored eyes starring down at the harshly breathing male as he looked up at her.

His angry hold on the pistol made his entire arm shake, thankfully causing him to miss his true aim which was at her risen chest.

The offending arm stiffened, pointed out straight as he aimed yet again, intent on not missing.

He sneered, his index finger pressing the trigger, another one of the slugs flying, coming toward her.

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