Part 4: Content

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Word Count: 1745 | 


She could do nothing more than savor the bitter taste of melted butter mingling with liquid metal in her mouth, leaving her tongue tingling with the disgusting, pungent taste.

The scarlet fluid then began to overflow like running liquid on a clogged drain, bubbling as she tried to form words. And so, with the pool of crimson bubbling in her mouth, she only produced a symphony of unorchestrated gurgles, words trapped beneath the ooze as she pleaded for help, begging for mercy.

She felt like she was drowning, slowly slipping from existence, somehow being pulled out of her physical body by a powerful force, one much stronger than a mortal's hold.

'This is it...' She to herself. ' This is really it,' She mused, the solace being that they were just a hair strand away from their purpose.

'Steve will come,' She told herself. 'He'll be here.' She added. 'He'll be here to get Bucky out of here.

He'll be here to save Sam...

He'll finally be here...' She thought with comfort, convincing herself that soon, it would all be better.

She knew what was to come, left waiting with helplessness for the hourglass to empty, content with the life she'd lived, fulfilled by the thought of having the final mission in her record written as a success.

By then everything had become splotches of shadows and barely recognizable figures, making her hazy eyes squint to try and focus, trying to capture the beauty of space while she took her final breaths.

She was currently at temporary blindness, fogged with such a heavy haze that even the colors of the blue sky seemed surreal, like a strange abstract painting. Far above, between splotches of white in the murky colored sky, a shining light emitted a blinding brilliance, making her eyes sting.

Her (e/c) colored drops struggled to close and her left arm trembled in a forced movement, trying to block the ray of lively shine with no avail. Her limbs only twitched with unexecuted movements, spasming as their only results.

And so, left with no other option, the sun's rays touched her, shining over her stinging eyes harshly, he same light strangely running over her body in a different fashion, handling the rest of her with gentle creases, warming her cooling stillness with its merciful brushes of affection.

It was odd to think so, but the feeling made her somehow feel accompanied and less frightened.

It made her accept her fate with much more comfort and confidence,

' So why?' she thought to herself, asking up above as she knew that by then darkness should have consumed her. ' Why am I still alive... why can't I just go?' she asked, not knowing why she still held on.

With the sunny touch comforting her and staying as a lingering presence, the comfort gave her falling energy, as though, somehow, it was trying to convince her there was much more to fight for, keeping her company for now and egging her on to muster up a hidden strength.

She had no more strength, no more will left, and yet the world was urging her to continue, refusing to let her go into the clutches and sweet relief of death.

' I've already accepted it... have I not?' she asked herself, not understanding how she was still barely grasping at the threads of life.

'What...What am I waiting for?' She wondered, for a reason unknown to her, tearing.

Bucky Barnes x Reader Short storyWhere stories live. Discover now