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finally added b, richie, and trevor so now i have to catch up on everything. sorry i'm taking a while to update school just started up and i was out of power for a day. — 🧚🏻‍♀️


— B
🐺 ; you were walking home alone in the woods from town to avoid being followed or catcalled by anyone. everyone always said to stay out of the woods, but you figured it was just a bunch of nonsense that was meant to keep kids out. little did you know you were being followed by a certain werewolf. he moved quietly so you had no clue until you saw movement out of the corner of your eye and started to book it, but b was faster than you. he grabbed a hold of your waist and pulled you in close and you both made eye contact. you recognized him as one of the missing kids and started freakinh out. eventually he knocked you out and left you in your bed hoping you would forget, but you went back to find him.

🤡 ; you were being cornered by henry bowers in the library after he followed you in. he backed you into the back of the library where basically no one went when eventually everyone's favorite loudmouth walked back there. he was like "uh should i go..." and then he saw how scared you were and pushed bowers against the shelf and pulled you out of there. you both fucking booked it to his bike and he rode you into the woods. you thanked him for helping you since you were already familiar with him through classes and he kept being like "oh well i had to get a book for a project but i can get it tomorrow." then he invited you to come hang out with the loser's club later. you agreed to go and you both went home.

👻 ; he was exploring the new town and stumbled upon a creepy abandoned building that you just so happened to be vibing in. he was walking around and you almost pissed yourself when you heard him yell "hello anybody here?" he heard the noise and busted into the room you were in and you both were just sitting there like "👁👄👁" until he eventually was like "uh hey" and you were like "hi..." and he eventually explained that he was new in town (and it gets worse i'm sorry) and he didn't mean to burst into yourself and he'll just see himself out. you just straight up said "dude i don't live here i just hang out here" and he was like "oh 😳" then he started getting more comfy and flirting a bit and you almost left. you traded numbers and promised to hang out sometimes.


— B
🐺 ; he was intrigued by you and trying to get a closer look at you and then you started running away so he panicked and ran after you and grabbed you. he thought you were very pretty and felt horrible when he realized how scared you were. when he found you looking for him he was like "?" and watched you from afar until you saw him and told him to come out. then you both talked and he thought you were beautiful and was excited that you said you would come back tomorrow.
🐇 ; you were terrified of him, but also felt drawn to him in a weird way. you thought he was beautiful, a bit scruffy, but still pretty and wanted to learn more about him. so you went back and were like "tf did this man go" and eventually saw him and got him to come out of hiding and you both talked.

🤡 ; in class he wasn't really worried about you he knew you were kind of quiet and really smart and a lot of guys liked you. after he saved you from henry he thought you were really funny and cute. he actually felt nervous around you for some reason, but he still joked around.
🎪 ; you thought he was another one of those annoying class clowns who disrupted class every day (which he was), but once you got out of the library and into the woods with him you realized he was super brave and nice. you found out quickly that you enjoyed his company more than you thought you would.

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