Chapter Seven: The Desert

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Aykina came back to reality and looked around. The book she was reading was now on its last page, like she read each page but it all appeared as a vision. She wondered how long she was seeing this vision. She thought it was amazing that she could do it but she was a bit worried about where her new friends were.

She walked down the hallways and began to call out names. "Aang! Katara! Sokka!" She yelled out only hearing her footsteps echo in the hallways. "Where are you guys?!" She asked when she felt the ground begin the rumble.

She then heard screaming and she went for the front of the library. As she got closer she saw the others coming down another hallway with the owl after them.

"Run!" Sokka yelled out as Aya ran with them.

"Sokka lets go!" Katara spoke as he stopped.

"But we still don't know when the next eclipse is gonna happen." Sokka replied.

"Don't be stupid. We'll find out later." Katara replied.

"No we won't. If we leave this place we'll never get the information. Aang come with me I'll need some cover." Sokka instructed.

"I'm going with you guys." Aya spoke.

"No it's too dangerous." Aang shook his head.

"I have one job and it's to make sure you do what you need to. I'm going." Aya insisted as she stood with them. Suddenly the owl came around the corner going after Katara while the other three went to a room. Aya looked around and realized it was some sort of time teller. Sokka talked about how the solar eclipse would be the day firebenders couldn't firebend. He said that if they could find the date the next eclipse was coming, they could learn when they needed to stop the Fire Lord.

After a while they found out. "The solar eclipse! It's just a few month away. Now let's get to Ba Sing Se." Sokka spoke as they started to run out. As they ran out Sokka landed in top of the bird and knocked it out before it got Katara. They got to the rope and Aya let Aang go first. She then went after him as Sokka and Katara followed.

"Professor lets go!" Sokka called out.

"I've spent too long trying to find this place." The professor replied. "There's not another collection of knowledge like this on earth. I could spend an eternity in here." He spoke.

"Just go!" Katara instructed. The owl woke up as Aya and Aang got to the top. Aang let go with his staff to help make sure Katara and Sokka got up.

"We got it. There's a solar eclipse coming. The fire nation's in trouble now." Sokka smiled hugging Katara but Aya noticed something was missing. She saw Toph hugging herself on the ground.

"Where's Appa?" Aang asked looking around. Toph shook her head and noticed Aang crying. She went over to him.

"Don't worry Aang. We'll look for him." Aya put her hand on his shoulder. Soon the five of them all looked for Appa in every direction but there was nothing but sand for miles.

"How could you let them take Appa?" Aang asked clearly upset that the bison was taken. They all were but it was different for Aang. "Why didn't you stop them?!"

"I couldn't. The library was sinking. You guys were still inside." Toph replied.

"You could've come get me. I could've saved him!" Aang spoke and at this point he wasn't being too rational, and instead being more emotional.

"I can hardly feel any vibrations out here. The sandbenders snuck up on me, and there wasn't time for-" Toph started.

"You just didn't care! You didn't like Appa. You wanted him gone!" Aang yelled.

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