Chapter Twelve

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*Butter's P.O.V.*

I woke up on a cold tile floor. I started to sit up, feeling overly groggy and nauseous. I was in the bathroom, and it looked like it was Stan's bathroom.

Did I not go home...wait, then, where's (Y/N)? Did she leave?

Despite feeling ill, I started to move around more, looking for my phone. Once I found it, I saw that it was 7:09 in the morning. My phone also notified me that I had over ten miss calls from my father and thirteen text messages.

Oh hamburgers...I was supposed to be home by midnight...I'm definitely going to be grounded...

It was weird. I didn't remember a thing. I only had one drink, and shortly after that, my night went blank. It's not like that drink could've affected me like that. It's true, I didn't drink a lot, but the guys have forced enough liquor down my throat that I could handle a few drinks.

I started to unlock my phone when Stan came crashing through the bathroom door, looking horrified and panicked.

"Butter! You're still here?? You've got to go, man!" Stan instantly said, quickly picking up all the empty beer bottles in the bathtub.

"Wait, Stan, what's going on? Why you are acting like this?" I asked.

Stan stopped what he was doing and looked me straight in the eyes. He looked like he hardly slept, and he smelt of beer. He almost still looked drunk from the night before, but if anything was certain, it was the look of fear in his eyes.

"Someone's parents called my mom last night. My parents were supposed to be out of town until next week, but someone's parents called looking for one of us- and it turns out my mom put camera's up all over the house before they left. My mom- she's seen everything from last night. All of it- and I am so dead, dude," Stan stated, his eyes not even blinking.

"D-does that—"

"All of the alcohol. My dad's weed. All of the SEX- it was all caught on camera. I'm sure she's called everyone's parents by now. Butters, you gotta go. We are all dead," Stan continued to speak.

Stan continued to hysterically pick up everything in sight and wake up everyone that he stumbled upon. Guessing by the number of calls, my parents most definitely knew that I was drinking. They probably even saw what I don't remember.

Just the thought of that caused me to go pale.

"Butters...Butters? .....BUTTERS!" Stan called, shaking me out of a nightmarish trance.

"Uh, I need to get," I said to him, coming back to reality. "I'm really going to be grounded this time."

I pushed past Stan and exited his house. I was just glad that my dad's pickup was okay. I quickly got in, but as soon as I sat down, I realized how out of it my body was. Everything felt fuzzy, and I kept seeing black spots.

"I don't have time for this," I grumbled to myself as I kept my eyes shut.

When I opened them, my vision had refocused to the best of its abilities. However, it still wasn't clear, so I drove home slowly. Mostly because of the vision, but also because I really didn't want to go home. 

I Like Like You a Lot Lot: Butters Stotch x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora