Chapter 1

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Ah, Bayville High. The place where weaklings like me get crushed into dust. 

The place was crawling with cliques, who didn't like to let new people inside, unless you knew them since diaper-days. I just didn't have those connections, since I moved from Washington DC to here, Bayville New York. I was hating it already. Stupid jobs that make you move, darn you to hell where there are no cheese puffs!

Yes, I am a puff-fanatic.


The school day went on as normal as it would ever, me avoiding the kids on the news who were known to be mutants, and being late for like, half my classes. But with a wink, and an innocent smile, all was forgiven, even for the strictest teachers. Which startled half the class. Suckers.

The bell for lunch rang, and I sprinted down the halls so I could get in line first. I had to partially-jog, so that my mid-thigh pink skirt would'nt flare up, and neither would my plain white T-Shirt. 

I was upset to find that I wasn't first in line, instead there was a white-haired kid. Oh crapsicles, he was on the news too. Wasn't he that speedy guy, Quicksilvie or something? Before I could let anyone else be second in line, I scooted up behind him just as the doors banged open and the room flooded with people. 

"Hey, you're pretty fast," I heard a voice talk kinda quickly next to me. Startled, I whipped around to see White Hair smirking at me. 

"I hear the Cheese Puffs go first. No way am I being separated from my babies."

He looked confused. Maybe he was wondering why I wasn't running away from him? Heck, I was wondering that. He eventually shrugged it off, and snatched his lunch and dashed off. I scratched my head, piled three bags of Puffs on my tray and a sandwich, payed and left to find a place to sit. 

See, I'm much shyer than you think, so that's why I was so surprised that I talked to that mutant, who was now sitting in a table group with his buddies. All of the tables around them were empty, probably because everyone was so afraid of them. I shrugged, went over to one of them, and sat down. It was the furthest ine away, so I thought I would be good, but the whole room silenced and everybody stared at me. I found the courage to speak. 

"Ok, so maybe three bags of puffs is a bit unhealthy, but c'mon, it's rude to stare." I shot back at everybody. Where was this courage COMING from? 

"They're staring because this is OUR zone, newbie." 

Hey, it was White Hair! I know this guy!

"Actually, your ZONE involves that particular table where your lunch is and where you are eating. MY zone is wherever I am eating. Capishe, Guy-I-don't-know-the-name-of?" I glared.

He started rambling about his superiority and crap, while I just munched on my Puffs. Meanwhile, everybody was murmering and still staring, particularly another table that people seemed wary of. Heeeey, those were the X Men! I heard things like, 'This can NOT end well for her' from a red head who looked worried for me. But hey, as long as I have my Cheese Puffs on me, I won't get hurt and neither will anyone else.

I reached for my bag to grab another, and saw it was not there. Instead, there was White Hair. Holding my Puffs. My poor, beautiful, innocent puffs. That bastard.

"Are you listening now?" He shot at me.

"Give me the puffs, and no one gets hurt, pal." I growled. Yeah, I had done martial arts since I could stand, and nobody knew it. I was better than a ninja, I swear. I bet I could take down even Mr. Supermutant here.

Instead, White Hair and all of his pals just started laughing, and the X Men had their jaws slack. 

Nobody messes with my puffs. 

"Nope. I'm keeping them." He smirked, and reached inside the bag. Oh man, if he takes one, he is in some serious shit...

He slowly pulled one towards his mouth. 

"You take one bite and you'll regret it, Speedy Gonzales." I clenched my fists.


My baby!

My vision tinted red, I let out a roar and faster than he could run, I tackled him to the ground.

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