Lexis In The Sky - Chapter 8

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  • Dedicated to My lucky penny, you got me though some tough times...


Chapter 8


I mentally slapped myself. I looked down at the now crumpled time table, avoiding the name that was forever going to be engraved in my mind.

This school had a weird system. Each person had a class to register too. I was class R1, room 5. I turned the sheet over, pleased to find a map. It was a hut close by. I pulled my hood back and moved my natural-blond highlighted hair out of the way, to return the hood. The bell rang out. I was the first in class, to find a twenty-something year old teacher sitting at the head desk. "Hi" I said to gain his attention. He swivelled in his chair and smiled warmly. Okay, I don't know if I was spending to much time being Lexis because this guy was sooo damn hot. I was glad for the hood as it hid my blush.

"Hi, um are you in this class?" he said, revealing perfect teeth.

"Yep. I'm new." I said, hoping this new girl thing wouldn't catch on.

"Oh right, Alexis Tucker." He said looking through papers. I gritted my teeth.


"Just sit at the back." He said, I was going to like this guy. I started to walk to the back when the other students started to roll in.

I pulled my hood down and played like an ostrich, the whole head in the sand thing. I wanted to see who my new class was, but I didn't dare move my hood. "Hey, sir whose in the hood?" A voice bellowed loudly.

"A." The smooth voice of the teacher replied. "It's 'Hello, Whom is wearing the hooded jumper?' and B. SHE is a new student." I didn't raise my head like I'm sure they expected me to. The registration lasted only ten minutes, and all we do is answer to our names being called out but also newsletters or upcoming assemblies. I read through my time-table and found the right class on the map on the other side. I had memorised all of today's subjects, when someone said, "hey, hoody girl." The same boy's voice as before said. The bell rang out and the boy ran out. I had another jaw-on-dah-floor moment. It was the same rugber as before. The one that bullied Jamie. I was one of the last to leave, so I saw Jamie, herself, walk out- head in a book.

I was the nerd of the family, my only job to keep good grades. So I didn't think I'd struggle too much. The school hadn't received my grades from my other school yet. First Maths boring- I finished those books. So I had to do a lot of repeating. Then Music, my violin class played off, it was relaxing to do something I loved. Now I have a fifteen minute break, It's sunny out so I decided to read outside. However the popular people had the bleachers. So I went inside, I found the school theatre. It was empty and had a 'Do not enter' sign but I ignored it. I sat down, once seeing it was empty. I opened one of my many books and read.

I walked to my English class, room 5. The same one as registration. The class was almost full. And sure enough, the hot teacher sat at his desk. This is too good to be true. I get him for English- my favourite subject. I sat in the same seat as before, but this time I sat beside Jamie. She turned to notice me at the same time. "Are you the girl from the library?" She asked with a smile, I nodded. "Wow, like no way." She says 'like' to much but she has character. "What's your name?" She whispered, 'cause the class began to quite. I pause a second. Lexis or Sky?

"I'm Alexis" I smiled. Then the young-teacher started talking, in his sexy voice. I wasn't the only one to have noticed his attractiveness. Half the girls actually sighed when he finished talking about....I didn't listen to a word he just said! Damn his good-looking face. His soft caramel hair with tints of blond. Glowing pale skin with blue, blue eyes and.... wait, Sky focus. The class laughed at something the teacher said. And he continued, "I think it's one of my favourite poems. It's classic for a reason. Rome and Juliet is such a beautiful story filled with love, lust and loss." He smiled which caused yet another round of sighs. But I couldn't judge, I was one of the people sighing.

"Mr Hills, how do we decide who we our partner with?" Some random student asked. But before Mr Hills could answer, a slutty girl hanging on that rugbe player, asked another question.

"Hey Blakey, are you against student / teacher partnerships?" She actually licked her lips, but on the plus I know his name, Blake Hills. 'My super hot English teacher, Mr Blake Hills'. Yep, it fits well.

"Yes, very against student / teacher partnerships and no, 'Blakey' is not a turn on for me because my mom called me that." Mr Hills joked. The class snickered and the slut turned bright red and hit the rugbe player next to her, who was laughing his ass off. "And" Mr Hills continued. "I will chose who will partner with who. As most of us will know, Romeo and Juliet were from warring families. So I've decided to partner you up with someone you may not get on with." Sighs filled the class, but not the loved-up-teenager kind. The bell rang after Mr Hills told us we would find out our partners tomorrow. I actually wasn't worried. He'd probably chose some over talkative boy. I should be sly when I put my earphones in.

The rest of day passed slowly and was uneventful. While walking home from school, I put my earphone and jumper away. I hurried inside to find dad wasn't there. I escaped to the library and picked up a much-abused copy of Romeo and Juliet, play version. It was dinner-for-one again and I couldn't help but be thankful. I read the whole thing, and my mental 'Romeo voice' was just so damn funny. I wonder who my partner will be? I fell asleep, the book in hand.


Erick (Sky's dad) POV

I just left a meeting with Mr Marks himself. I had to admit I was doing much better at work, the boss even put me in charge of tempting Mr Marks to chose our company to partner with. But we just found out two things, 1) There's another company competing with us, 2) Mr Marks has chosen someone else to chose between the companies. His son. How am I suppose to convince a kid to chose us? I could get a huge promotion if this is handled well. 

I decided to leave it till later. I wrote up a memo on a strawberry shaped notepad. I crumpled up the last note and felt a pang in my heart, I ignored it. I had to for my sanity. The words still burned in my mind though and I felt guilty...but why? I wouldn't let myself remember.



Wazzz up views! So since I written up to chapter 12 on this story I'll be starting another. But I will keep uploading this one.

Anyway, serious note over - yes, that's as serious as I get. OMG, I just slapped my sister over a smiley face pancake! She ran away almost in tears, and what did I do? I went to town on that pancake...worth it. Mom's mad at me though. I wonder how many wars have been started over a smiley faced pancake?

Country 1 - 'Thats my pancake...if it were a normal pancake, I'd be like fine, have it. But this is a smiley faced pancake!'

Country 2 - 'I'll give you all our oil and what ever you want, just give me a bite of your pancakes smiley faced goodness.' ...You get the picture. Keep reading, and tell me what your thinking. 

P.S. Tell me if you make a (smiley-faced)pancake after reading this :D  

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